  • 學位論文


Using content analysis of tourism photos to explore Kaohsiung City of four season image

指導教授 : 蔡欣佑


本研究旨探討高雄市政府希望形塑之高雄市意象,與觀光客體驗後高雄市意象兩者間是否有差異,透過搜集高雄市政府發行之刊物內照片,與觀光客所拍攝的照片進行內容分析,並以春夏秋冬四季劃分,嘗試了解高雄市四季意象之變化,與觀光客之感受。本研究樣本搜集分為兩部份,第一部份為高雄市政府2006年發行之觀光季刊,此季刊分為四冊,介紹「春季高雄市」、「夏季高雄市」、「秋季高雄市」、「冬季高雄市」,共565張照片;第二部份則為2006年觀光客到高雄市旅遊拍攝之照片共927張。本研究除透過敘述統計量以了解樣本編碼結果,並輔以SPSS軟體進行卡方檢定。 研究結果發現:高雄市政府在春夏秋冬四季都重視高雄市「文化意象」的宣傳,另外觀光季刊會隨季節而改變主題,如「冬季高雄市」增加了許多高雄市年菜的報導,「秋季高雄市」則加強了文化意象(萬年季)的報導,且為了配合2009高雄世運,也介紹了許多高雄市世運的運動項目,故,在意象呈現上變動較大;反之觀光客拍攝照片則否,對於高雄市意象感受變動較小,觀光客對於高雄市的印象一直是具現代化意象,並以觀光娛樂設施與景觀為主,其次則為自然之「海」意象,可見高雄市政府希望形塑四季不同的意象,但觀光客實際體驗後感受卻不同;而刊物與觀光客意象差異最大之季節在於「秋季」,最少差異的季節在「春季」。研究中也發現,特殊造型景觀往往是引起觀光客按下快門的最大吸引力,另外當觀光客屬於「等待」狀態時,也是最常按下快門時機,帶這回憶與照片回到觀光客源地(Tourist generating region),主動幫忙行銷高雄市。


意象 照片 內容分析法


The purpose of this study was to investigate the advertising tourism photos presented in Kaohsiung City tour quarterlies and tourism photos taken by tourists by using content analysis to explore Kaohsiung City of four season image. This research data is collected and divided into two parts. The first part is advertising tourism photos in Kaohsiung Tour Quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter issue) that the Kaohsiung City Council was issued in 2006, with a total of 565 photos. The second part is the tourism photos taken by tourists who visited Kaohsiung city in 2006. These tourism photos were collected from travel blog, with a total of 927 photos. The results of study are following: The city council enforces the “cultural image” in propaganda in four seasons. In addition, the theme of cultural contents changes according to the season. For example, in Winter issue, the photos of lunar New Year cuisine has been increased and in Fall issue, the photos of Wannian Seasonal activity, part of cultural activity, has been reported. In order to publicize 2009 Kaohsiung World Game, the Kaohsiung Tour Quarterly includes some photos of sport items. As a result, the cultural image presented in Kaohsiung Tour Quarterly is more diverse than tourist’s photos. As for the tourists, they perceived Kaohsiung city as a “modern” city, with a full of modern recreation facilities. The finding also shows that the “sea image” of nature has been deeply rooted in tourist’s mind across four seasons. Kaohsiung city council expects to portrait different image across four seasons. There is a discrepancy in tourist’s actual experience. The largest discrepancy happens to Fall issue of Kaohsiung Tour Quarterly and least discrepancy happens to Spring issue of Kaohsiung Tour Quarterly. In conclusion, special feature of landscape/objects are the trigger for photo shooting.


Image Photo Content analysis


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