  • 學位論文


The Effects of Restaurant Standard Operation Procedure to Customer-Satisfaction Based on Dramaturgy Theory -The Case of Pasadena Restaurant in Kaohsiung

指導教授 : 林建雄


由於國人生活型態的轉變,台灣進入服務為導向的服務經濟時代,餐飲服務業者將要面對的會是餐飲消費者日益嚴苛的服務品質。未來企業經營的首要任務,是要如何在冰冷的標準作業流程(SOP)中加入人性化的細心關照和溫暖,潤飾SOP,重視顧客消費每一環節將會成為未來服務業的主要致勝關鍵。 本研究依據劇場理論來探討西餐廳標準作業程序對顧客滿意度之影響。由Pasadena法式西餐廳中的顧客實證研究中發現:(1)前來餐廳消費的以女性、21-30歲、金融保險業及學生居多。(2)劇場理論中的「表演元素」、「場景元素」、「演員元素」對「顧客滿意」、「口碑宣傳」、「再購意願」均有不同的影響效果。(3)「個人特質」在「顧客滿意」、「口碑宣傳」、「再購意願」上並無顯著差異。


Due to changes in the lifestyles of Taiwanese people, Taiwan has entered the era of a service-oriented service economy; food and beverage service vendors face increasingly stringent demands from food and beverage consumers regarding service quality. In the future, the primary mission of corporate operations is how to infuse the attentive concern and warmth of humanity in cold standard operation procedures. Polishing the SOP and emphasis on each aspect of consumption will be a crucial key to success for the service industry in the future This study used dramaturgy theory to explore the influence of standard operation procedures of Western-style restaurants on customer satisfaction. From empirical research of customers in French restaurant Pasadena, it was found that: (1) Most of those who visit the restaurant are women, between ages 21 and 30, students, or in the financial and insurance business. (2)Performance element, setting element, actor element in theatre theory have different influences on customer satisfaction, promotion of reputation, and repurchasing intent. (3) There are no significant differences of personal quality in terms of customer satisfaction,promotion of reputation, and repurchasing intent.


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