  • 學位論文


The Development of Lodging Research: A Review of the Literature from 2000 to 2009

指導教授 : 林宜親


本研究旨在探討2000年至2009年住宿業研究主題之發展。研究樣本為2000年至2009年之住宿業研究文獻,選取至國際餐旅觀光期刊:Cornell Hospitality Quarterly、Annals of Tourism Research、Tourism Management、International Journal of Hospitality Management、Journal of Hospitlaity and Tourism Education、Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education,以及台灣地區餐旅觀光期刊:戶外遊憩研究、觀光休閒學報、與餐旅暨家政學刊,共計住宿業相關研究文獻602篇。本研究使用內容分析法,分析與比較2000年至2009年各年代與各國際與台灣地區餐旅觀光期刊住宿業研究主題發展情形,及研究主題之相關主題字彙。研究結果顯示,國際與台灣地區餐旅觀光期刊住宿業產業研究主題,以「行銷」與「人力資源」研究主題最多;住宿業教育研究主題,以「教育內容」研究主題較多。主題字彙分析發現,住宿業類別字彙以「hotel」使用頻率最高。住宿業產業研究之主題字彙,以行銷和人力資源研究主題之相關字彙為主,行銷以「customer」使用頻率最高,人力資源以「employee」使用頻率最高。住宿業教育研究之主題字彙,以「student」使用頻率最高。本研究希望藉由分析國際與台灣地區住宿業研究主題之結果,提供未來住宿業研究方向及住宿業產業發展之參考。


The purpose of this study is to review the literature relevant to the lodging industry from 2000 to 2009. A total of 602 articles were examined, based on Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Journal of Hospitlaity and Tourism Education, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study, Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, and Journal of Hospitality and Home Economics. Content analyses were used to identify and categorize the subjects of each article. Results show that the marketing and human resource management related issues have been the most frequent focuses in lodging studies. In addition, educational contents have been the most frequent issues in lodging studies relevant to hospitality education. Further, the word “hotel” is the most frequent used word in the lodging literature. “Customer” is the main marketing-related subject word, “employee” is the major human resource-related subject word, and “student” is the key education-related subject word. Future research suggestions and implications are provided.


Dittmer, P. R. & Griffin, G. G. (1993). The dimensions of the hospitality industry: An introduction (3rd ed). New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
