  • 學位論文


The Site Selection Evaluation Indicators of Hotels Research by Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 楊芝澐


現今觀光旅遊活動日趨熱絡且皆呈穩定成長,據世界觀光組織(UNWTO)2010年的年度報告指出國際旅客成長 7%逹到 9.4 億旅客數,國際旅客所帶來的淨收益逹美金9,190億(euro 6,930億),世界各地區旅客均呈現成長之趨勢。隨著台灣經濟及觀光產業的蓬勃發展,旅遊人口的增加對觀光旅遊的發展上有一定程度的貢獻與重要性。國內旅遊比例高達93.9%。 本研究的目的希望透過決策分析工具,正確且客觀地提出最佳的旅館區位選擇方案供決策者參考。彙整飯店業在興建旅館時區位選擇所考慮之因素,建立層級評估架構。並透過層級程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),為飯店業者建立評選新辦旅館選址評估的模式,同時藉由實證分析驗證,以取得最佳選擇方案。多數的專家同意,在進行旅館新開發案時,會以「交通地理條件」及「市場資源條件」二大構面為優先考量,若以遊客而言,可在交通地理構面上放入較高的比重。反觀,競爭者條件構面並不是旅館在進行新創地點選擇上視為優先考量的選址策略。整合研究結果,提出研究建議與後續研究之參考方向。


Tourism becomes most popular and were highly stable growth, ac-cording to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) annual report for 2010 noted that international travelers has grown by 7% to 940 million passengers of international passengers bring a net gain of $9,190 one hundred million (euro 6,930 million), all tourist of the world are growth. With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy and tourism, increas-ing tourist population for the development of tourism has on the contri-bution and importance of a certain degree. Domestic tourism as high as 93.9%. The purpose of this study hope that through decision analysis tools to accurately and objectively presented the best hotel location options for decision makers. Archives hotel industry in the construction of hotels lo-cational factors considered by the establishment-level assessment frame-work. The purpose of this study hope that through decision analysis tools to accurately and objectively presented the best hotel location options for decision makers. Arrange of hotel in the construction of hotels locational factors considered by the establishment-level assessment framework. And, the establishment of a new Office of hotel site selection assessment model for hoteliers through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP), while validated by empirical analysis in order to obtain the best options. Most experts agree that, during the new hotel development projects, will be "Traffic geographical conditions" and "market resource condi-tions" two major dimensions of the top priority, terms of visitors, traffic can be placed over the surface of the geographical structure high propor-tion. In contrast, not a competitor condition facets Hotels startups during the site selection siting strategy as a priority consideration. Integration of research results, the study suggests that with reference to the direction of future research.


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