  • 學位論文


Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Hotel Expatriate Managers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫路弘


隨著越來越多的跨國連鎖飯店進入亞太地區,外籍經理人進入到台灣的機會也愈來愈多。此外,在 1999年至2009年間,以台灣飯店外籍經理人為研究主題和其他亞太地區相比,是相對較少的。因此,本研究使用半結構式問卷,於2009年12月至2010年2月進行深入訪談,探討外籍飯店經理人在台灣的調適情形及所遭遇的問題。根據調查結果,所有參與者表示,擁有先前的海外經驗,幫助他們能夠與本地員工、工作夥伴相處。另外,參與者也認為,他們對自己有信心且相信他們有能力可以有效處理外國人和新環境。最後,最後一個因素是共同的後勤支持。組織經常為他們安排宿舍和提供生活的資訊。


As more multinational hotel chains are setting their franchise on Pacific Asia, the opportunities for expatriates working in Taiwan are increasing. During the period of 1999 to 2009, there were very few systematic studies on hotel expatriate management in Taiwan. To use the semi-structure in-depth interviews to explore perceptions of expatriate managers regarding the challenges of working in Taiwan. According to the findings in this study, all participants stated that previous expatriate experiences helped them get along with foreign workmates and people well than before. T, the case participants believed they have confidence in their ability to deal effectively with foreigners and new surroundings. In the end, the last common factor is logistical support. Organization often offer dormitory for them.


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