  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Successful Factors of Hotel Innovation Activi-ties and Butler Service from the View of Resource Based

指導教授 : 吳英偉、楊芝澐


對於國際觀光旅館服務業而言,創新是獲得競爭優勢重要關鍵因素 (Windrum & Tomlinson,1999 ),面對未來科技、市場及典範移轉的新時代,以資源多寡論定創新與否已成為競爭力的關鍵因素。而服務、競爭的強度及技術的改變,則影響著企業的市場地位。Drucker的名言「不創新即滅亡」,更一針見血點出創新的重要性。(施振榮,2000)想要永續經營,唯有不斷的創新及提升競爭力才是企業取得競爭優勢的重要途徑。Miller (1990)指出不從事研究發展將導致產品被淘汰,其市場將被更具創造力的競爭對手所掠奪。創新能讓企業快速的改善產能;Drucker不斷強調 : 發明、創新及企業家精神是現代企業保持競爭優勢的不二法門。而在現今各家旅館為了爭奪優質服務不斷推陳出新,並為此將所謂「管家服務」引進台灣搶得先機,那如何在管家服務中透過創新研發讓自身旅館能己身台灣服務之首。管家這一職業,在國外尤其是在歐洲,其歷史比貴族還要悠久。他們服務的是有著極高身份的人,有億萬富翁、有社會名流、有政界高官以及貴族。他們雖不是貴族的後裔,卻是貴族的老師。如今,在國內更已進入豪華精緻的飯店服務行列,配署給進住高級的貴賓,將服務業推上另一個舞台. 資源基礎理論或資源基礎觀點都是以資源為企業的地基,是策略思考基本的核心所在,重新建構思想體系與流程,並連結企業的競爭優勢與組織變革決策,而發展與維護企業的核心或關鍵是其所關注的重點。 因此本研究從資源基礎理論的觀點探討一般服務與管家服務創新活動在旅館業中有哪些活動內容。此研究先首先進行旅館業專家訪談創新的構面,並使用AHP 問卷進行問卷調查,針對各旅館業者進行問卷調查,取得樣本旅館進行服務創新活動之情形。透過本研究更加了解服務創新與管家活動對旅館業的重要性,並找出旅館業如何將服務創新及管家活動行為融入經營活動中。 本研究結論如下: 一、現在的旅館產業都較注重如何開發服務創新及行銷手法把產品推銷出去,由此可得知服務、行銷這二項構面是國際觀光旅館產業在選擇創新活動時最主要的考慮。 二、技術及產品創新構面並不是國際觀光旅館在有限的資源下會優先考量的創新活動,因為產品與技術的更新都是可觀的成本耗費,在從事創新活動的旅館業資源考量下,低成本的服務創新是現在國際觀光旅館的焦點。


For the international tourist hotel services industries, innovation is the key factor of competitive advantage (Windrum & Tomlinson, 1999), the face of future technological, mar-ket and a new era of paradigm shifts in order to be innovative on whether or not the amount of resources has become a competitive of the key factors. For service industries, competition intensity and technological change, the impact on the enterprise's market position. Drucker's famous quote, "Innovation is not destroyed " has point out the importance of innovation(Shih, 2000). Want to sustainable development, the only constant innovation and enhance competi-tiveness of enterprises is an important way to achieve competitive advantage. Miller (1990) point that enterprise do not engage in research and development will lead to eliminated and the market will be taken by other creative competitors. Innovation enables companies to quickly improve productivity. Drucker repeatedly stressed: invention, innovation and entre-preneurship are the only way to maintain a competitive advantage. Initially Hotels introduce "housekeeping" to Taiwan, but in order to compete in today's service innovation the butler service to their hotel instead. It comes from the innovative research and development services. Butler service has old history in foreign countries especially in Europe. Their service is has a high status people, billionaires, there are celebrities, with politicians, officials and aristocrats. Today, the butler service has entered the high-level ranks hotel and service department of feeding live guests. Resource based s are the foundation for the enterprise and the basic core of strategy thinking. It also is the ideology of process re-build and link the competitive ad-vantage of enterprise decision-making, and even the organizational changing , the develop-ment and maintenance of the core or key is its focus. Therefore, this study from the resource based view of the general service and butler ser-vice innovation in the hotel industry which activities. First, this study first conducted inter-views method with hotel industry experts to find out innovative perspectives. Further step, the AHP questionnaire surveys are conducted and make an investigation of hotels for service in-novation situation. This study try to get a better understand the importance of service innova-tion and butler activities on the hotel industry and to find out how to fit service innovation and butler activities into hotel’s business activities. The following conclusions: First, the hotel industry are now more focus on how to develop service innovation and mar-keting techniques to sell out their products, which can be the two dimensions services and marketing. And these two dimensions are the most important consideration for the interna-tional tourist hotel industry in their choice of innovation activities. Second, in the limited resources situation, technology and product innovation dimensions are not priority consideration to innovation for an international tourist hotel, because the product and technology updates are significant cost expenditures. Only low cost of service innovation is now the focus of international tourist hotels.


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