  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Listening Effects of Ability Grouping in General English Class-Take Hospitality Students at NKUHT for Example

指導教授 : 王美蓉


本研究旨在探討國立高雄餐旅大學餐旅學群學生大一英文能力分班聽力學習之成效,研究對象為98學年度第1學期四技一年級修讀通識英文聽說課程的新生,共計有248位參與。新生於入學時進行前測,再根據其聽力考試成績分成三個不同程度的班級,於18週後施行相同試題的後測,並發放能力分班教學看法問卷進行填答,最後輔以焦點團體訪談進行英文聽說困難的資料收集。 本研究使用相依樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析進行資料分析,研究結果顯示所有程度班級學生在聽力學習表現上有顯著進步。而且,以低程度班級聽力進步最多。此外,在能力分班教學的看法問卷構面上,不同程度班級僅對於學習成效構面有顯著的差異,學生認為能力分班有助於改善英文聽說、英文口說的能力,並對在使用英文的場合亦較有自信,但對於學習情緒、教材教法及能力分班制度方面則沒有顯著的差異。而在學習困難方面,不分程度班級的學生都認為單字量不足是影響學習英文的最大困難。根據研究發現提出以下建議,學校應審慎進行分班作業,使學生能在適當的班級接受教學,更能提升其學習成效。另針對不同程度班級應給予適當之教材及試題,以達到因材施教的理念,並在教學中納入單字教學加強學生的字彙量有效提高學生之學習成效。


This research sets its main purpose on exploring the listening effectiveness of ability-grouping for hospitality and tourism freshmen students of general English courses at NKUHT. The research subjects are students enrolling in the first year general English listening and speaking courses of the four-year diploma program, and a total of 248 participants took part. The students were tested when entering the school, and were divided into three different levels according to their performances. They were tested again with the same set of questions and asked to answer a questionnaire for their comments on ability grouping and teaching methods. Finally they were interviewed in groups to gather information on the listening and speaking difficulties they had encountered. The data were analyzed with methods of paired-sample T test and one-way ANOVA. The results indicated great variance in the students’ performances in each of the levels. Classes of lower levels showed the greatest progress. According to the comments collected from the questionnaires, the ability grouping made the students more confident when using English and effectively enhanced their listening and speaking skills. There were no significant differences regarding attitude, material, teaching methods and the ability-based class dividing system. Students of all levels found the lack of vocabulary to be their main problem in learning English. In accordance of the findings of the research, the following suggestions were made. The school should execute the ability grouping procedure to make sure that students are placed in courses most suitable for their proficiency levels and achieve the greatest learning effect. Also, appropriate materials are to be distributed to students of each level so the students’ needs are fulfilled and they can make best of their learning in the courses.


Tsai, C. C. (2008). The outcomes and implementation of the ability grouping program of freshman English at the national Kaohsiung marine university. 國立高雄海洋科技大學學報, 22, 169-184.
Sheu, C. M. & Wang, P. L. (2006). A case study of student perceptions toward between-class ability grouping in freshman practical English class. K.U.A.S. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 111-140.
