  • 學位論文


Adapting Foodways of Vietnam Female Migrants in Taiwan

指導教授 : 潘江東




This study investigated changing foodways and dietary adaptation among Vietnamese women who have migrated to Taiwan on the basis of marriage. People have to deal with numerous differences after migrating to a new environment, and among which, dietary differences are particularly avoidable. In Taiwan, Mainland Chinese and Vietnamese females respectively account for the first and second largest shares of the population of new inhabitants who have migrated to Taiwan by marriage. Through in-depth interview with 13 Vietnamese women who have stayed in Taiwan for more than 8 years, this study attempted to explore the changing foodways of Vietnamese female migrants Taiwan. Results showed that in their early adaptation period, due to inferior hierarchical status in the family, they did not have the decision-making for family diets and usually had to conceal their attachment to hometown flavors. Most of them would add some hometown sauces such as peppers or fish sauce to their meals or visit hometown restaurants to enjoy the tastes they were used to. However, they did not completely cater to local foodways. With the elapse of time, they would use various strategies to satisfy their dietary preferences while adapting themselves to local foodways. At last, they would even represent hometown flavors in family meals to create a fusion of local foodways and Vietnamese ones and further influence the dietary habits of other family members. Through continuous dietary adaptation, they have gradually brought their foodways characterized by Southeast Asia styles into Taiwan.


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