  • 學位論文


Research on the Heritage of Yingge Casting Teapots Production Techniques

指導教授 : 林玥秀


民間茶藝盛行之時,工業量產的「注漿茶壺」挾著其產量高、價位低廉及銷售據點的優勢,促使「注漿壺」廣為一般品茗大眾所接受,普遍流佈於民間;然而,茶壺生產技術與陶者的知識內化表現,需透過製壺者多年經驗與技藝的融合以及製壺產業相互配合而成。本研究以個人知識論點為發展討論軸心,探討當地注漿茶壺生產過程中,陶藝匠工如何運用自身茶壺生產技術及經驗體悟,並與當地製壺產業相互配合,逐步發展成地方產業知識。 本研究採用質性研究法中的參與觀察法及深度訪談法,以此作為搜集相關資料的方法,藉由進入研究場域參與製壺匠工產製過程,透過實際觀察體悟,從中發掘茶壺製作細微知識以彌補訪談資料的不足或誤導。資料收集期間不斷對自己提出問題發想,以求研究中資料的分析比較和事實探究能如實將原貌呈現。製壺技藝來自於外顯知識獲取與觀察。經由大量閱讀專業書籍,從而獲取所需專業知識,透過觀察、臨摹、反思並不斷與書籍知識、日常生活經驗進行對話,反覆操作將製壺技藝深化於深層記憶,而形成內隱知識;此外,同業摯友間知識傳遞亦是技藝學習重要管道。 本研究發現,商業利益考量,使得同業間產業知識交流屬於「隱性」互動,知識交換建構雙方「深厚情誼」上。鶯歌注漿茶壺產業知識,來自製壺師長期工作經驗累積與夫妻間默契搭配孕育出個人知識,個人知識藉由專業書籍,文字等外顯知識的學習,並在鶯歌當地經由不同製壺師的語言交談,形成產業間的共同知識,而成為陶藝匠工普遍生活經驗時,即成為一致性的地方產業知識。


With the trend of tea art, mass-produced “casting teapots” are well-accepted by, and widely circulated among, the general public due to the advantages of high production, low price and favorable selling spots. Nevertheless, teapot production techniques and potters’ internalization of relevant knowledge must be achieved through the interaction between years of artisan experiences and artistry on the one hand and the teapot manufacturing industry on the other hand. With individual knowledge as the axis of discussion, this study explores how potters, during the process of casting teapots, make use of their own production techniques and experience to work with local teapot manufacturing industry, thus gradually developing the relevant knowledge in regard to the local industry. This study adopts the participant observation and in-depth interviewing methods in carrying out a qualitative research to collect relevant information. By entering into the research field to participate in, and observe, the teapot production process, the author discovered subtle knowledge in the process that derives more complete interview data or corrects misguidance which the interviews may have led to. During the collection of information, the author kept working on self-reflection as an attempt to authentically present the analysis and comparison of acquired information and exploration of facts. The techniques of teapot production come from the acquisition of explicit knowledge and observation. Through intensively reading professional books, potters obtain the required professional knowledge; and through observation, imitation, introspection and continuous accessing of knowledge from books and daily experience, they repeatedly embed the techniques of teapot production into their deep memories. In addition, knowledge transmission among peers and friends is also an important channel for technique acquisition. Research has shown that due to the consideration of commercial profits and competition, exchanges of knowledge among peers are a type of tacit interaction, meaning that the exchanges of knowledge are based on “deep and profound friendship”.The knowledge of the casting teapot industry in Yingge stems from individual knowledge; it is a result of teapot makers’ long-term work experience and the tacit cooperation between husbands and wives as work partners. Individual knowledge is acquired from professional books and other written materials and becomes shared knowledge in the industry through exchanges of words among teapot makers. As it becomes a common daily experience for potters, the shared knowledge transforms into consistent knowledge for the local industry.


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李政賢(譯)(2006)。質性研究-設計與計畫撰寫(原作者:Catherine Marshall & Gretchen B.Rossman)。臺北市:五南圖書。
