  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of “Home-Delivery Dinner”: Family Dining-Out Behavior and the Gender Division of Household Labor

指導教授 : 陳玉箴


本研究旨在探討 「宅配晚餐」的興起反應出何種現代家庭家務分工的變化,及這些變化如何影響了家庭飲食的選擇與安排方式。本研究以深度訪談與焦點團體為研究方法,針對宅配晚餐業者、食用戶及家務操持者進行訪談。研究發現,隨工商業社會到來,經濟結構轉變,婦女投入就業市場,雙薪家庭遽增,但煮食這項工作仍大都被歸類於女性的家務工作,而「宅配晚餐」的出現,就是女性以金錢換取時間和勞動力的方式之一。「宅配晚餐」的出現,反映了現代台灣人渴求家庭飲食同桌共食及健康環保的需求,它的烹調方式、食材內容更貼近一般家庭煮食的模式,對食用者而言,可彌補其心理層面回歸家庭的期待。但「宅配晚餐」從觀念認同到實際執行,會因經濟狀況、家庭成員組成或居住地而有所差別。現代人飲食若一味強調快速、方便,將使飲食變成一種囫圇吞棗、毫無美感的一件事,如何讓飲食議題回歸到國人用餐的心理層面,尋求家的感覺,讓家庭飲食文化提升,應是值得關心研究及開發的方向。本研究希望提供未來家庭飲食發展趨勢的可能方向供各方參考,期待將來有更符合現代人生活與健康需求的家庭飲食呈現在國人面前。


With the social economy transforming, the division of household labor converts accordingly; moreover, the transformation affects the choices and patterns of family diet. The purpose of present study is to explore the relation between socio-economic development and family diet behavior in Taiwan by deeply researching on the existence and evolution reasons of “home-delivery dinner”. This study applied Focus Group and in-depth interviews as research methods. The interviewees are dealers in “home-delivery dinner”, diners, and people in charge of household labor. The results indicate that the occurrence of “home-delivery dinner” becomes a channel allows women who are always responsible for the domestic cooking to exchange money for time and labor force after the dual earner families grow enormously with women joining the job market. The way of cooking and foodstuff of “home-delivery dinner” are more close to the family cooking mode, and therefore it could retrieve the expectation of returning home. However, it comes out gaps from the concept agreement to practical fulfillment of “home-delivery dinner” with different economic conditions, family member formation, and resident places. As a result, the present study wants to explore the transformation of family diet under the influence of social economy via researching on “home-delivery dinner”. The findings provide the possible ways of tendency toward future family diet development. The family diet which conforms more to modern life and health demand is expected in Taiwan.


