  • 學位論文


Tourist’s Perception, Experience, and Response of Tourism Harassment

指導教授 : 張德儀


遊客在旅遊購物時,可能受到攤販、商家、司機、導遊或當地人哄抬價格、強行推銷、甚至買到劣質品的負面經驗,此種旅遊騷擾現象,不僅影響旅遊品質,同時也威脅到旅遊城市的形象。然而,儘管旅遊騷擾事件經常發生,卻缺乏相關研究探討旅遊騷擾問題,除缺乏具體的法令與規範外,最主要原因在於主觀認定上的困難。 爰此,本研究嘗試探索旅遊騷擾形成的軌跡,並以大陸遊客來臺旅遊之購物行為進行實證調查,據以暸解遊客對於旅遊騷擾認知與因應方式。本研究首先以文獻探討及深入訪談法歸納遊客面臨之旅遊騷擾類型與態度,將旅遊購物過程產生的騷擾現象分為言語、干涉自由、肢體騷擾、購後發現等四個構面,其次,以調查法針對來臺旅遊之大陸遊客進行問卷調查,分析遊客對於旅遊騷擾之看法及暸解其人口統計背景、旅遊特性與旅遊騷擾經驗之關係。 研究結果發現大陸遊客對於臺灣的旅遊購物環境與品質頗為滿意,在臺購物過程中亦較少感到旅遊騷擾之感受,然而,對於「業者總是不斷說服我購買商品」、「我購買完商品後發現我買貴了」可再強化。本研究針對旅遊購物時之騷擾現象進行結構化之探討,分析結果可提供旅遊業者接待大陸遊客時之改善策略,並提升臺灣旅遊購物環境與品質改善之建議。


While shopping, tourists may have the negative experiences about raising prices, forcing to sell by the vendors, merchants, drivers, tour guides and local people, and even buy the inferior goods. The tourist harassment not only affects the quality of travel, but also threats the tour destination image. However, the event of tourist harassment happens frequently, but there are few researches about this issue. In addition to lack of the specific legal rules and regulations, the most important reason is the difficulty on the subjectively determined. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the formation of tourist harassment, and empirical investigation of China tourists’ shopping behavior in Taiwan, to understand the China tourists’ perception and how to response about the situation. The research divied into two parts. First, collect the literature and in-depth interviews for tourists, generalize a type of tourist harassment and tourists’ attitude when they have the harassnent, and the questionaire of rearch is composed of four factors, they are language harassment, interference of Purchase freedom, physical harassmnt, and after purchase harassment. Secondly, the research use questionnaire survey to analysis the China tourists’ traveling experience in Taiwan, and disscuss the tourists’ opinion to tourist harassment and the relationship between tourist harassmtn with tourist demographic background and travel characteristics. The result of the research found that China tourists were satified environment of tourism shopping in Taiwan, they felt less tourist harassment experience in Taiwan. And for「 Always try to convince me to buy products」&「when I purchased the product, I found that overpaied」should be improved. Acorrding to the result, the researcher hope to provide the strategy for the tourism industry to received tourists from China, and improve the quality of tourism environment in Taiwan.




