  • 學位論文


A Study of Mainland China Tourists Travel to Taiwan Types Analysis and Marketing Strategies

指導教授 : 甘唐沖


隨著政府歷年來政策的開放,兩岸交流蓬勃發展,自2008年7月起,兩岸開始三通直飛航班,旅行業務往來漸趨頻繁,兩岸人民也逐步從事觀光、學術、探親、工作等交流活動。根據交通部觀光局資料統計,大陸人士來臺觀光總人次由2008年的329,204人次成長至2011年已高達1,784,185人次,高居國外來臺旅客人次之冠(交通部觀光局,2012)。大陸人士來臺觀光之比例占目前來臺人數最大宗來源,在迎接大陸人士來臺觀光之際,臺灣旅行業者該如何因應兩岸不同政治制度、經濟體系、社會結構及文化,佈局陸客來臺觀光之行銷策略,實為影響臺灣觀光旅遊之重要課題。 本研究首先以文件分析法,將兩岸政策、旅行業相關法規等資料進行分析,回顧歷年大陸團體來臺旅遊趨勢及旅遊型態現況。第二階段採深度訪談法探討臺灣地區旅行業者經營大陸人士來臺之現況,第三階段經由德爾菲法問卷,收斂專家業者之意見,整合出總體產業環境(PEST)分析及行銷4P策略分析。研究將透過文件分析法了解目前開放陸客來臺旅遊之型態。接著將德爾菲法問卷調查分析之結果進行SWOT分析。 研究發現目前大陸觀光團來臺旅遊形態,族群多以中壯年齡層為主,並以環島為主流行程,團費價格多落在4,000~10,000人民幣之間,來臺旅遊仍處於走馬看花的形式,在住宿選擇大多為平價旅館,居住縣市則以市區為主。行程安排上因旅客大多是首次來臺,也因此仍希望能造訪阿里山、日月潭等熱門景點。在行銷策略產品上隨著陸客生活水準提高,出境旅遊年齡層降低,建議開發年輕旅遊市場,配合節慶活動,引導推出特色旅遊,價格策略因兩岸旅行社數量不對等,導致業者低價競爭,造成品質低落,除政府訂定法規管制外,亦需要業者自我規範,通路方面因雙方旅遊資訊了解不多,除採線團及大陸北京辦事處在大陸積極推廣宣傳外,亦可邀請國內外藝人成為旅遊活動代言人,帶動追尋偶像族群的旅遊風氣。觀光要能永續發展,除旅遊業者與觀光局的合作外,還需要地方政府大力推廣,可用獎勵或補助方式鼓勵觀光團前往熱門景點外之其他縣市進行觀光,除可疏散知名景點人潮外,亦可帶動地方觀光發展。本研究希望透過了解目前陸客來臺旅遊型態及行銷策略研究,提供給經營大陸人士來臺之旅行業者做為規劃未來陸客團來臺時的參考資料亦希望提供在行銷策略擬訂時之參考。


With the opening of the government's policy over the years, both of cross-straits exchanges are flourishing. Since July 2008, the mini three links direct non-stop flights have the travel industry to the future increasingly frequent. People of cross-straits gradually start in relatives, work, tourism, academic exchanges and other activities. According to Tourism Bureau statistics, in 2008 to 2011 the totle number of people on the Mainland China come to Taiwan for sightseeing is grows from 329,204 people to 1,784,185 people. Mainland China is the highest of the foreign visitors come to Taiwan(Tourism Bureau, 2012).With the opening up of the policy in view and the growth of the economic development of Mainland China, the Chinese tourists in the international tourism consumption ability attracted international attention. The tourists of Mainland China come to Taiwan for sightseeing ratio accounting for the source of the largest number. To meet the large Mainland China people coming sightseeing of the occasion, travel industry in Taiwan by the how due should be strait different political system, economic system, social structure and culture. To layout Mainland China come to Taiwan for sightseeing of marketing strategy is really important topic of influence Taiwan sightseeing. In order to documentary research, the cross-strait policy, regulatory and other travel industry data analysis, review group calendar mainland to Taiwan travel trends and travel patterns situation analysis. The second phase of depth interview on Taiwan travel industry business people from the mainland to Taiwan's current situation, the third stage through Delphi method questionnaires convergence industry expert opinions, the triangulation of the overall industry environment (PEST) analysis and marketing 4P analysis. Research will through documentary research to understand the current opening Taiwan to mainland tourism patterns. Delphi questionnaire will then analyze the results of the SWOT analysis, I hope to provide business people from the mainlander to Taiwan's travel industry to understand the current mainland tourists to Taiwan travel patterns and provide a reference for the future development of marketing strategies.


