  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Special Events on Quality of Life of Local Residents-A Case Study in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 陳慧如 容繼業


本研究以常舉辦特殊活動鹽埕區愛河為研究範圍,探討舉辦特殊活動對當地居民生活品質影響程度。採配額便利性抽樣,有舉辦特殊活動有效問卷為329份,未舉辦特殊活動有效問卷為341份。內容包含人口統計變項、參與特性、生活品質及衝擊態度等四部份。所得之調查資料利用敘述性統計、信效度分析、卡方檢定、因素分析、階層線性模式進行結果之描述與假設之檢定。 本研究結果為:1.有舉辦與未舉辦特殊活動之當地居民在年齡與活動訊息來源方面,均不相同。2.舉辦特殊活動與否對當地居民生活品質有顯著差異。3.舉辦特殊活動與否對生活品質影響,以經濟、社會文化、月收入等變項影響生活品質程度最大。4.每里舉辦特殊活動次數對生活品質影響,以經濟、社會文化、月收入等變項影響生活品質程度最大。5.每里居民參與特殊活動次數對生活品質影響,以月收入影響生活品質程度最大。 最後,本研究建議相關單位針對不同年齡層來規劃特殊活動,以及舉辦全家同樂特殊活動。同時,舉辦特殊活動前,須做好特殊活動場地規劃與增加特殊活動其訊息傳遞。特殊活動舉辦後,將其經濟效益延長。提昇里民對社會文化之瞭解。而對後續研究者提出建議為增加其他控制變項,以及發展適合台灣特殊活動使用之生活品質量表,將調查對象擴及到其他縣市,並將特殊活動之性質加以區分等。


This research chooses the local residents at the most popular special event arena, such as Love River of Yancheng District in Kaohsiung City, as the research object, to investigate the special event effect on Quality of Life for local residents. The resident samples around Love River of Yangcheng District were followed the rule of quota random sample, according to the household population proportion for each region. There are 329 effective questionnaires from hosting special event arena local residents, and 341 ones from non-hosting special event arena local residents. There are four parts in the survey questionnaire, including the resident demographics, attributes of participated special event and Quality of Life profile. Data was analyzed by Descriptive results, Reliability analysis & Validity analysis, Chi-square test, Factor analysis and building-up the Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). The finding of this research shows: 1. Age and special event information receive are different. 2. There were significant differences on hosting special event and non-hosting special event on Quality of Life of local residents. 3. Hosting special event and non-hosting special event such as economy, social culture and month income are also significantly related to Quality of Life. 4. Participation time such as economy, social culture and month income are also significantly related to Quality of Life. 5. Participation frequency such as month income is also significantly related to Quality of Life. Based on research findings, this study suggests that Kaohsiung City Government plans special events for different age group and family. Before special events, it is suggested that Kaohsiung City Government has to make event planning and increases communications of special events information. After special events, it has to extends economic benefits of special events and make residents understand more social culture. Finally, it is suggested that future researches explore more control variables besides this study or investigate Quality of Life in terms of different characteristics of special events. Furthermore, the research results could be compared with other cities. Finally, the questionnaire for Quality of Life which is more suitable for Taiwanese is able to be developed in future research.




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