  • 學位論文


A Study on Supply and Demand of B&B Reception for Forthcoming F.I.T from Mainland China to Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭登元


根據《大陸居民赴台旅遊協議》的規定,自2008年7月4日起正式開放大陸居民可組團赴台灣觀光旅遊。至今,大陸旅客來台旅遊已為觀光熱潮,由於必須團進團出,且在台灣旅遊行程安排緊湊,觀光效益僅限在特定景點、商店、飯店、旅館和餐廳。兩岸相關部門為了讓大陸旅客能在台灣進行深度旅遊,也在研議開放大陸旅客來台灣自助旅行相關議題。自助旅行規劃中住宿是重要行程安排之一。在住宿供應面,根據交通部觀光局2010年3月的資料顯示,台灣合法民宿達2,976家,可提供房間為11,854間。針對未來開放大陸旅客來台自助旅行時,台灣各地深具特色的精緻民宿,有足夠的供應量,可提供大陸旅客來台深度旅遊的選擇。 本研究旨在瞭解大陸旅客之旅遊特性和民宿住宿選擇因素為何;從供給面來探討民宿業者是否有接待意願,需求面來探討大陸旅客是否有住宿意願,來提供政府單位擬定開放大陸旅客來台自助旅行之參考,也提供民宿業者瞭解大陸旅客的住宿需求。 住宿供給方面,選定30家合法民宿為研究對象並進行深度訪談法,研究發現,多數民宿業者認為在價格合理下,即願意接待大陸旅客,除了提升住房率外,也能讓大陸旅客深入瞭解台灣文化;業者建議以漸進方式開放大陸旅客來台自助旅行,制訂相關配套措施,以維持台灣的服務品質。住宿需求方面,預試結果把住宿選擇因子定義為在地化與安全感、友善服務、環境便利、生態保育、特色活動體驗五個構面,共17個題項。正式問卷共發放440份,回收率為89.32%,有效問卷共345份。大陸旅客對未來開放來台灣自助旅行的住宿選擇,以不考慮民宿風格最多(55.1%),且房型以雙人房單人床為主(佔46.4%);大陸旅客目前尚無預付訂金的習慣;且一人願付住宿價格以人民幣101-200元為主(佔31.3%);活動體驗型態都可接受。大陸旅客之住宿選擇因子以「民宿環境清潔且衛生」為首要條件,其次為「民宿的價格合理」,再者為「民宿必須有消防設施和緊急照明燈及逃生標誌」。本研究依據單因子變異數分析得知性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、職業、職位、月所得於在地化與安全感、友善服務、環境便利、生態保育、特色活動體驗五個構面有顯著差異。而不同文化程度之受訪者則無顯著差異。 對於供給面的民宿業者而言,價格合理即可接待自助旅行的大陸旅客;需求面的大陸旅客而言,民宿的清潔與衛生和價格合理,為他們最重視的住宿選擇因子。由供需雙方得知,價格合理的認定可進一步做探討。此外,大陸旅客對於體驗活動的提供,非常樂意參加,因此業者在提供體驗活動時,必須發揮體驗活動的功能性、設計具有特色的體驗活動,或可利用民宿的獨特資源,創造屬於民宿本身的特色,塑造民宿的優勢。本研究發現大陸旅客尚沒有預付訂金的習慣,所以未來開放大陸旅客來台自助旅行時,想要經營大陸旅客市場的民宿業者,應該針對預付訂金制度的部分,取得雙方的共識。


The first group package tourists (G.P.T) from mainland China to Taiwan had started at 4th July in 2008. According to the agreement between mainland China and Taiwan government, the mainland China tourists will be allowed travel in Taiwan as G.P.T. Furthermore, both governments’ Staffs are considering in allowing Free Independent Travel (F.I.T) from Mainland China to Taiwan from 2011.Accommodation is an important item of traveling arrangement. The data of legal Bed and Breakfast (B&B) accommodation by Taiwan’s Tourism Bureau in March 2010 were shown that the total numbers of 2,976 and 11,854 rooms on available. For forthcoming F.I.T from Mainland China to Taiwan, the Taiwan’s B&B owners can offer different type from hotels in the supply of accommodation. This study aims to research the characteristics and factors of choosing accommodation from the mainland China tourists. The willing to receive the F.I.T from mainland China in the supply side by using in-depth interview for 30 B&B owners in Taiwan and the willing to choose the B&B in demand side by using 345 valid questionnaires for the mainland China tourists will be discussed. The results are shown that the majority of B&B owners as long as the price is reasonable, willing to receive F.I.T from mainland China. And hope the in-depth travel for mainland china tourists can be worked as soon. The factors of affecting accommodation can be grouped as five dimensions of localization and security, friendly service, environmental facilities, environmental protection, special event experience and under a total of 17 items. The mainland China tourists do not consider Taiwan’s B&B style of the majority (55.1%) and the chamber with twin single beds dominant (46.4%). They do not want to pre-paid. The price of willing to pay is 101-200 RMB per person per overnight (31.3%). Based on one-way ANOVA analysis showed that gender, age, marital status, occupation, job, monthly income and a sense of security in the localization, friendly service, environmental facilities, environmental protection, special activities have significant experience of five dimensions differences. Rather than with the education of the respondents there were no significant differences.


吳慶垣、張玉明、林怡秀、謝孟蓉(2008)。大陸旅客來台觀光重遊意願分析-從權益保障認知觀點。嘉南學報,34卷, 857-871。
劉健哲、林碧釧(2007)。臺灣民宿發展之問題與對策。鄉村旅遊研究,1卷2期, 39-60頁。


