  • 學位論文


The management of 2014 Taiwan Lantern Festial in Nantou:An analysis of the network governance approach

指導教授 : 林吉郎


為提供民眾休閒遊憩的機會及向國際行銷台灣,每年交通部觀光局皆會結合地方政府辦理『台灣燈會』節慶活動,並藉以吸引國內外觀光客及新居民,及展現地方文化特色,以提升地方政府知名度。 地方政府辦理觀光節慶活動受限資源、人力及技術等先天條件之不足,在執行層面仍須結合民間單位參與及中央政府的資源奧援,方可達成活動的成功圓滿。具體的執行上,也多以公私協力的方式,在動態結網的過程中將此一網絡平台上多元行動者的目標及資源進行轉換及整合;亦即奠基在彼此的互賴上,以行政機關為結網的主體,將產業組織、公益團體、私人企業拉進來共同參與。 本研究以2014年南投縣政府所主辦之「台灣燈會」為觀察個案,從公部門辦理節慶活動時的制度結構面出發,探討其組織的結構與型態,分析其中內外部多元行動者的互動關係,並試圖建構節慶活動網絡的整合之道。探討南投縣政府如何在有限之資源下透過網絡治理的模式,有效整合各政府間、民間企業、以及非營利組織、志工及執行廠商等資源。主要研究發現如下: 一、 交通規劃縝密,交通資源整合成功是燈會成敗最大因素。 二、 燈區內環境整潔,民眾響應垃圾不落地,成就高品質燈會。 三、 充分發揮場地特色,成為25年來台灣燈會最大亮點。 四、 參與網絡成員眾多,齊心迎接南投建縣以來盛事。 五、 非正式結構間的互動對活動執行造成影響。 六、 網絡形成仰賴活動參與者間的合作信任關係。 七、 網絡整合內容包含了公、私部門人力、物力、與財力。 八、 活動規劃與執行過程中面臨諸多困難與挑戰。


In order to provide recreation opportunities for the public and to promote Taiwan to all the countries of the world, every year Tourism Bureau corporates with local government to hold Taiwan Lantern Festival to attract domestic and foreign tourists and new residents, and show them the local cultural characteristics to enhance visibility of local government. Local governments have to cooperate with society organisations and central government to acquire support and assistance, then local governments will be more capable to reach a success of holding tourism festivals without restrictions of limited resources, manpower and technology. On the specific implementation, cooperative approach between government and non-government is applied to a network transformation and integration of targets and resources of diverse actors on network platform. It also refers to on the foundation of interdependence, administrative authorities, as the main actor of network, invite industrial organisations, nonprofit organisations, and private enterprises to participate in tourism festivals. 2014 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Nantou, organised by Nantou County Government, is observed in this study. By observing the systems and structure of the public sector while organising a tourism festival, not only organisational structure and patterns are discussed, the interactions among diverse internal and external actors are analysed, but also the way to integrate the festival networks is attempted to construct. Moreover, it is also explored that how Nantou County Government effectively integrate governments, private enterprises, nonprofit organisations, volunteers and companies of execution by network governance under limited resources. Reserch Findings: 1. Successful integration of transport resources is the main factor in the success of Taiwan Lantern Festival. 2. High-quality lantern festival is thanks to clean lantern display area and the whole tourists who do not leave litter. 3. Nantou's characteristics are fully played, and it becomes the best spotlight of Taiwan Lantern Festival since 1989. 4. Many network members participate in this greatest event since Nantou County was established. 5. The interactions among non-official structure could influence the execution of activity. 6. The form of network relies on the cooperations and trust among activity participants. 7. Network integrations include human, material and financial resources of public and private sectors. 8. Difficulties and challenges in the process of event planning and execution.


一、 中文部分


周欣融(2011)。宗教團體參與災害防救工作角色之探討 -以台灣基督長老教會、法鼓山參與921震災災後應變與重建為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00769
