  • 學位論文


The Entertaining Consumption and the Print Culture: Writing and Reading on Love at Ancient China Brothels during the Late Wan-Li of the Ming Dynasty

指導教授 : 楊玉成


本篇論文以萬曆後期青樓的情愛書寫與閱讀為中心。以日用類書「風月門」為開端,針對晚明娛樂消費-「情愛」主題進行討論。首先,以「青樓」作為探索的出發點,「青樓」介於公、私領域的模糊界線上-具開放性的空間又屬私領域情欲活動的場域。經娛樂消費與印刷文化的刺激,與之相關的「情愛」書寫與閱讀商品大量出現。 在印刷文化與商業策略的脈絡下,以「情愛」為主的圖書出版品,如《丰韻情書》、《新刻洒洒篇》與《青樓韻語》都轉變成一種可供消費的新興商品。據此,筆者透過此類文本,探討「情愛」中引伸出來的公卅私領域、再現空間卅身體、情欲卅情愛、書寫卅閱讀、字卅畫相關議題。運用性別、空間、讀者反應、觀看、文化消費理論,分析萬曆後期以情愛為主的娛樂性文學商品。 本文篇章結構如下,第一章為緒論,主要說明本文的理論架構;第二章以萬曆年間的日用類書「風月門」為中心,處理其所呈現的情愛與情欲的問題,及其展示的知識、性別與權力的風景;第三章以鄧志謨的《丰韻情書》為主,探索各類情書所呈現的情愛關係與當中提供的教化、娛樂與審美價值;第四章以《丰韻情書》、《新刻洒洒篇》與《青樓韻語》中的韻語、情詩、情詞為主,關注其如何成為一種新興的商品讀物,如何獲致廣大讀者的青睞;第五章為結論,回到文化的脈絡,說明日用類書「風月門」、《丰韻情書》、《新刻洒洒篇》與《青樓韻語》,它們皆是晚明印刷、社會文化背景下的產物,是文學與文化的商品讀物。


This study discusses love writing and reading for “Ancient China Brothel” during the late Wan-Li of the Ming dynasty. It starts with discussing “love” which was a main issue of the entertaining consumption in the late Ming through articles of daily use in Fengyun Encyclopedia. First of all, this study discusses “Ancient China Brothel,” which swings between the public and the private field--a place belonging to both the open space and the private passion. Stimulated by the entertaining consumption and the print culture, the readings and writings on love for “Ancient China Brothel” bloomed in the late Wan-Li of the Ming dynasty. Because of the commercial strategies and the print culture, the publications on love, such as “Fengyun Qingshu”, “Xinke Sasa Bian” and “Qinlou Yunyn”, all became newly risen commodities. Accordingly, this study tries to explore more about the public and the private fields, the representation of space and of body, love and desire, writing and reading, character and illustration, which were all extended from the idea of “love” in these texts. Finally, this study analyzes the commercialized literature about love during the late Wan-Li of the Ming dynasty from the theories of sex, space, reader response, ways of seeing, and cultural consumption. There are five chapters in this thesis. Chapter one introduces the whole frame of this thesis. Chapter two discusses the issues of love and desire, the features of knowledge, sex and power in “Fengyu Classification,” an encyclopedia in which articles of everyday use during the Wan-Li period are complied. Chapter three explores love relationship, the value of education, entertainment and aesthetic from various kinds of “qingshu” in Deng Zhimo’s “Fengyun Qingshu.” Chapter four focuses on “Yunyn”, “Qingsh” and “Qingc” in the “Fengyun Qingshu”, “Xinke Sasa Bian” and “Qinlou Yunyn” to find out how they became commercialized reading and how they became popular among the readers. Chapter five concludes all the texts mentioned in former chapters--“Fengyue Classification”, “Fengyun Qingshu”, “Xinke Sasa Bian” and “Qinlou Yunyn”--and asserts that these texts are the products of cultural background and print culture, and the commercialized readings of literature and culture in the late Ming dynasty.


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2. 〔漢〕班固撰,〔唐〕顏師古注:《新校漢書集注》,臺北:世界書局,1973。
3. 〔晉〕陸機撰:《陸士衡文集》,收入王雲五主編:《四部叢刊初編》,集部,第133冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1967。
4. 〔晉〕葛洪:《神仙傳》北京:中華書局,1991。


