  • 學位論文


A Study of Constructions V-dao, V-zhao, and V-zhong in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 陳超然


本論文旨在從構式語法為中心的觀點來探討漢語V-V複合詞中V2分別由 「到」、「著」及「中」所組成的複合詞,研究“V-到”、“V-著”及“V-中”構式與動詞間的語義融合關係。構式就像詞彙一樣,具有多義性。本文透過中研院平衡語料庫找出這三個構式的多義。“V-到”構式語意為:(a) 抵達 (b) 得到 (c) 正中 (d) 碰觸 (e) 數量增減累積的過程 (f) 持續累積;“V-著”構式語意為:(a) 附著 (b) 得到 (c) 碰觸 (d) 正中;“V-中”構式語意為:(a) 正中 (b) 得到。這三個構式由於在語意上有所重疊與差異,對構式中動詞的融合也就有所不同。當構式意義為「正中」時,動詞與三構式間的語意關係為方法,動詞放入構式後所形成的複合詞皆為近義詞。構式語意為「得到」時,“V-到”構式和動詞融合後的語意關係有三,「方法」、「次分類」及「前提」。“V-著”構式和動詞融合的語意關係僅為「方法」,“V-中”構式和動詞融合後語意關係為「前提」。因此,就和動詞語意關係為方法的“V-到”及“V-著”構式與“V-中”構式和動詞融合語意關係不同,而使得複合詞彼此間的關係有所不同。基於以上分析結果,配合賓語範圍大小、主事者意圖、隱喻延伸,進一步將“V-到”、“V-著”及“V-中”構式所組成複合詞中近義詞做延伸探討,找出近義詞彼此間的細微區別。本文共分六章:第一章為緒論。第二章回顧傳統語言學家對述補複合詞的分析,也討論傳統觀點的不足。第三章介紹本文的理論背景。第四章找出“ V-到”、“V-著”及“V-中”構式的多義。第五章利用Goldberg(1995)提出動詞和構式間關係來探討本文研究問題。第六章為結論。


構式語法 融合 多義 近義詞 隱喻延伸


My thesis aims at discussing V-V compounds of constructions V-dao, V-zhao, and V-zhong. We explore the three constructions V-dao, V-zhao and V-zhong with cognitive approaches, including Construction Grammar approach, prototype theory, radial categorization, polysemy, and metaphor extensions. According to Construction Grammar approach (Lakoff, 1987; Goldberg, 1995), constructions are treated as lexical items, which can also be polysemous. Constructions also exhibit radial categorization in their polysemy like ordinary lexical items. The following constructional meanings were observed from examples in Academia Sinica Balanced Corpus. The constructional meanings of V-dao construction are (a) to arrive, (b) to get, (c) to hit the target, (d) to touch, (e) the process of increasing or decreasing the numbers, and (f) to accumulate for a while. The constructional meanings of V-zhao construction are (a) to adhere (b) to get (c) to touch (d) to hit the target. The constructional meanings of V-zhong construction are (a) to hit the target (b) to get. Following Goldberg (1995), we analyze the semantic relations between verbs and constructions in V-dao, V-zhao, and V-zhong. The semantic relations between verbs and V-dao construction are means, subtype, and precondition. The semantic relations between verbs and V-zhao construction are means and subtype. The semantic relations between verbs and V-zhong construction are means and precondition. This thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction. Chapter 2 presents a literature review of V-R compounds. Chapter 3 presents the theoretical framework of Construction Grammar. Chapter 4 explores the polysemy in ‘V-dao’, ‘V-zhao’ and ‘V-zhong’ constructions. Chapter 5 discusses the semantic relations between verbs and constructions. Chapter 6 is the conclusion.


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