  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan’s Public Administration Community: Authors and Subjects of Journal Articles.

指導教授 : 孫同文


台灣公共行政學門不斷蓬勃發展,自1963年政治大學公共行政學系成立開始,公共行政成為獨立之學門,即將邁入半個世紀的歷史。一直以來,除了國內先進與學者的努力之外,不少學者還先後出國深造,引進最新的西方公共行政理論與知識,近來「台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會」( 簡稱TASPAA ) 的成立,更顯示社群彼此間的相互關係。然而,卻鮮少有人致力於分析台灣公共行政社群。 「學術社群」是由一群專業知識的「人」所組成,由他們不斷地去發現問題、研究問題,建立一個溝通的平台,做知識的提供與交換。過去國內公共行政學者和大學教育者大都是留美居多,對台灣公共行政學界亦頗具影響。因此,探討學術社群的主要作者群,應可以觀察到台灣公共行政社群粗略的面向。本文欲研究1990至2007年間,台灣8份公共行政期刊內之2490篇文章,利用敘述統計的方法以期達成客觀之研究,來呈現台灣公共行政社群的面貌。


The community of public administration has been developing continuously in Taiwan. The first independent Department of Public Administration was established in the National Chengchi University in 1963. Over the past half century, many scholars have devoted to the developing of public administration community in Taiwan. Recently, the Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Administration and Affairs has been established which indicates the mutuality of the community. However, less efforts has been devoted to analyze the performance of PA community in Taiwan. An academic community is consisting of people who identify and analyze problems and issues according to their professional knowledge, and professional journals serve as the platform upon which these academic community members exchange research findings. Therefore, analyzing the authorship and the subject areas of journal articles published will provide a rough image of Taiwan’s PA community. This study has surveyed 2490 articles published on eight PA journals in Taiwan from 1990 to 2007. The objective of this study is to provide a general description of the performance of PA community in Taiwan quantitatively.


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