  • 學位論文


Public construction disbursement and relations of research indigenous people tribal economy development Take the Renai Town Wanfeng Village and the Nanfeng village as an example

指導教授 : 陳嫈郁


摘 要 公共建設旨在維持經濟生產條件,改善基礎設施服務水準。公共建設直接影響民眾生活,同時亦提供產業優質發展環境,藉以持續發展經濟、提升競爭力,及改善人民生活品質,現代化民主國家無不此為目標。在全球化趨勢日趨高漲的環境下,經濟產業升級的壓力也日益形迫切,而環保、生態、福利需求、生活品質的提升上,均有賴清明的政府與英明的領導。 本研究旨在探討公共建設支出與部落經濟發展之關係研究,並以南投縣仁愛鄉南豐村及萬豐村為例。同時從多元文化主義及依賴理論的觀點詮釋相關文獻。多元文化主義強調的「公平正義」,即無論是社會主流或非主流,都應獲得同樣的對待,並且對弱勢族群給於特別的扶持,例如「傾斜政策」的提供或其他政策的優待。依賴理論強調,「核心-邊陲」概念。許多國家貧窮落後的主因,不是像現代化理論所宣稱來自其內部的因素,依賴論者指責歐美運用國際體系間的社會經濟依賴,使衛星「(落後國)」成為「都會(先進國)」發展的補充,並做為其擴張的踏腳石。本研究之「依賴理論」主要推論,是將「國家」或「資本主義」和 「原住民社會」當作兩個獨立變項來推論,在歷史過程裡,原住民社會發展的動力,主要被「國家」(或更廣義的「外來政權力或「資本主義」(或由資本主義延伸而來的市場經濟)所影響。 經研究發現,90年代以前幾乎沒有原住民地區完整的公共建設計畫,因此體出六項建議一、原鄉的公共建設應「由上而下」與「由下而上」並行。二、建設經費之挹注,應從「需求面」思考。三、國家必制定一套嚴格的選舉規則。四、法令鬆綁。五、農業生產及運銷上公部門應做有效的行政指導。六、對原住民地區之公共建設應做長遠、完整及整體的規劃。


Abstract The Public infrastructure construction is to maintain the condition of economic product and improve the service level of foundational facilities. The infrastructure construction not only affects directly the civil life, but also provides high quality developing environment of industry. Hence, based on The Public infrastructure construction Modern Democratic States aim to keep on developing economy, enhance competition and improve people’s living standard. Under the growing environment of global trend, the upgrading industries of economy is necessary, and the Environmental protection, Eco-Environment , Welfare Needs, the enhancement of living quality etc, these are relied on operating by an great and clear government. The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between the Public infrastructure construction Investment and Tribal economic development in Nan Fung village and Wanfong Village, Renai Township, Nantou County. At the same time, this article is explained by Multiculturalism and Dependency Theory.「Multiculturalism」focuses on Fairness and Justice, whether is the social dominant culture or non-dominant culture, they should be given the same treatment and an special ansistant,for example, the Providing of Slanting policy or other policies’s supportability. Dependency Theory focuses on a concept of nuclear and periphery. The main factor caused many countries’s poverty is that European and the United States country used social economic dependence between International system made「satellite(backward country)」become the slump of 「modern(developed country)」, and use to be expanding step stone. It isn’t from an inside factor declared by the theory of modernization. Dependency Theory’s analysis in this research uses the Country or Capitalism and Indigenous society to be two independent variables. During the history, indigenous society's development is influenced by country (maybe settled government’s power or Capitalism, marking economy). Finally, we find that it’s almost not to have the Public infrastructure construction plan inIndigenous area Before 90’s. henece,we provide six suggestions including: 1. The Public infrastructure construction in Indigenous Area should be top-down and Bottom-up. 2. Providing the construction benefit should be thinking of needs. 3. Country has to establish a strict election rule. 4. Consultation regarding law. 5. Government should be an effective administrative guidance in Agricultural product Andmarketing. 6. The Public infrastructure construction in Indigenous area should be to make a Long-term and Overview plan.


農委會 補辦「漏報增劃編原住民保留地」實施計畫
行政院原住民委員會 臺灣原住民經濟狀況調查報告 2006年
行政院,振興經濟擴大公共建設特別條例 2009
