  • 學位論文


The Study on the Professional Competencies of Supervisors of Senior High School Guidance-Teachers

指導教授 : 許維素


本研究旨在探討國內高中職輔導教師之理想督導者於諮商督導、方案經營管理與專業發展督導、行政督導等三向度之專業知能。本研究根據質性研究法的精神與原則,以立意取樣法徵詢研究受訪者,邀請二十二位北區高中職輔導教師(二十位女性,二位男性;年齡在23到39歲間)分別參加四場焦點團體,訪談資料以質性研究方法進行資料分析與歸納。本研究結果發現: 一、高中職輔導教師期待三向度督導者皆需要具備的專業知能,包括:具備督導知能;具備學校輔導工作經驗,而擁有學校輔導工作相關知能;具備相關規定、法律、倫理標準的知能;認識受督者工作場域的系統脈絡;對於學校行政文化有基本的了解;擁有包容接納、開放與溫暖的、幽默的、彈性的、積極性的態度;對於自己的專業有自信;有持續進修成長的意願及行動。 二、高中職輔導教師期待諮商督導向度督導者需要具備的專業知能,包括: (一)具備諮商輔導專業及督導專業:擁有多元諮商輔導專業及專業督導背景,在諮商專業上擁有個人的諮商哲學而能有特定的督導方法,具備建立良好督導關係的知能,並且具備督導方法和技術相關的知能。 (二)熟悉學校系統文化:對於青少年及其次文化具有基本的認識;展現學校個案概念化與管理的知能;能協助受督者發展個案工作中有關學校系統脈絡的溝通、協調與合作的知能;能增進受督者在家長諮詢、資訊提供方面的知能;能增進受督者在導師諮詢、資訊提供方面的知能。 三、高中職輔導教師期待方案經營管理與專業發展督導向度督導者需要具備的專業知能,包括: (一)具備方案經營管理方面的知能:能了解受督者在方案經營管理向度的挑戰與困境;具備方案實務經驗,從方案設計、執行到評估檢討皆需具備相當的經驗累積,而能夠將自身經驗整合進督導過程中;並且對於整體社會環境及教育環境的內涵及其變遷具備宏觀的瞭解。 (二)能協助受督者在有關專業發展向度的成長,有能力提供以下協助:能協助受督者認識與適應學校行政環境、能增進受督者對自己角色定位的掌握、能增進受督者對於多元角色的掌握,以建立和學生之間的有效關係、能增進受督者的專業認同感及聯繫感,促使他們產生專業承諾、能夠辨識受督者專業促進的在職教育方向,增進受督者參與這些在職教育的機會。 四、高中職輔導教師期待行政督導向度督導者需要具備的專業知能,包括: (一)具備學校輔導工作經驗,而擁有學校輔導工作相關知能。 (二)能協助受督者與各資源系統有效建立專業關係:能了解受督者在工作上的專業關係之增進為一督導焦點、能協助受督者有效地建立專業內的關係、能協助受督者與學校其他處室有效建立專業間關係。 (三)能增進受督者適當地分配工作任務的時間的知能:能協助受督者如何面對與因應業務負荷量大與時間不足、能協助受督者適當地分配行政工作與個案工作的比重。 (四)能協助受督者適時地將工作內容及標準以書面化或其他方式呈現出來 (五)能注意及維持受督者擁有良好的個人心理健康 最後,根據本研究結果與發現,針對高中職輔導教師督導者與培訓機構以及未來研究提出相關建議。 關鍵字:高中職輔導教師、專業知能、學校輔導教師督導、諮商督導、方案經營管理與專業發展督導、行政督導


The purpose of this study is to understand the domestic professional competencies of senior high school guideance-teachers' supervisors , including counseling supervision, program management and professional development supervision, and administrative supervision. A total of twenty-two senior high school guidance-teachers who taught in north Taiwan (20 females and 2 males; age from 23 to 39) were interviewed late 2008 and early 2009 by using purposive sampling in this study. The interviewees participated in four focus groups separately.The collected data were analyzed by qualitative research methods. Five primary results were found and discussed in this study: 1. Senior high school guidance-teachers expected their supervisors have the following common professional competencies in the three dimensions of supervision. The supervisors need to have: a) competencies of supervision, b) experience and competencies related to school guidance working, c) competencies regarding regulation of school administration, d) legal and ethical aspects of the profession, e) knowledge of the systematic network and context of supervisees’ working environment, f) knowledge of the school administration and culture, g) intension of continuing further education, and h) positive attitudes of understanding, accepting, open-mindedness and warmth, humor, flexibility, and motivation, self-confidence on his/her profession. 2. Senior high school guidance-teachers expected their supervisors have the following professional competencies in counseling supervision. (1)Professional competencies of counseling and supervision: The teachers expected their supervisors to have: a) the knowledge of diverse professional counseling and guidance competencies, b) the knowledge of his/her personal philosophical to counseling and using specific supervision methodology, c) the competencies on establishment of excellent supervisory relationship, and d) the competencies of supervisory methods and techniques. (2)Awareness of school system and culture: The teachers expected their supervisors to have: a) basic understanding of the young people and their sub-culture, b) competencies of conceptualizing and managing cases, c) competencies of assisting supervisees to establish their capabilities of communication, coordination, and cooperation for their school work, and d) competencies of assisting supervisees to establish their capabilities of parents consultation and teacher consultation, and relevant information provision. 3. Senior high school guidance-teachers expected their supervisors have the following professional competencies in program management and professional development supervision. (1)The supervisors have: a) understanding of supervisees’ challenges and difficulties in program management, b) experience of program in practice, c) experience of program design, implementing and evaluation, competencies of applying personal experiences into supervision, and d) understanding of the connotation and revolution of the society and educational environments. (2)Professional competencies of assisting supervisees to achieve the growth of career development: The teachers expected their supervisors to have competencies of assisting the supervisee to a) understand and adapt the school administration environment, b) recognize and manage their responsibility of multiple school roles to better establish and improve their relationships with students, c) establish professional affiliation and connection, d) provide their commitment to the profession, e) differentiate their professional growth in the in-service education, and f) promote the supervisees’ participation in the in-service education. 4. Senior high school guidance-teachers expected their supervisors have the following professional competencies in administrative supervision. The teachers expected their supervisors to have: (1)school guidance working experience and the competencies regarding to school guidance working. (2)competencies of assisting supervisees to effectively build professional relationships with others, including understanding that supervisees in the work professional relationships as a focus in supervision, and assisting supervisees to effectively establish intra-professional relationships and inter-professional relationships with other administrators. (3)competencies of assisting supervisees to arrange their time based on the tasks appropriately, including assisting supervisees to cope with working overloads and better manage time for administrative and counseling work. (4)competencies of assisting supervisees to appropriately present the working contents and documenting the relevant files based on standards. (5)paying attention and maintaining supervisees with healthy individual mentality. In conclusion, this study proposes the recommendations to supervisors of senior high school guidance-teachers, supervisors’ training institutions, and future studies above based on the research findings. Keywords: Senior high school guidance-teachers;professional competencies; school guidance-teachers’ supervision;counseling supervision;program management and professional development supervision;administrative supervision




