  • 學位論文


Study of The Adjustment of Mainland China Students in Singapore

指導教授 : 周美伶


論文摘要 本研究旨在探討中國留學生在新加坡之生活適應,採取質性研究方法,以五位領取全額獎學金,並在新加坡求學時間已經超過一年且少於三年、願意參與研究的學生。歸納研究結果如下﹕ 壹、影響中國留學生生活適應的因素 外在環境的改變﹕中國留學生面對氣候的差異、生活上的不適應、飲食結構的不同、日常生活習慣的改變,都是中國學生在適應上需要面對的。文化衝擊﹕在這方面中國留學生所遇到的衝擊,包括教育方式不同、學習環境改變、思維模式的差異、生活背景不同及語言障礙。個人因素﹕中國留學生在自我認同及個人的過去經驗和現今的真實情況有所差異而產生衝擊,這也是導致中國留學生生活不適應的因素之一。 貳、中國留學生面對生活適應之因應方式 個人性格與心態﹕他們可以尋求自我突破,並且以積極樂觀面對眼前的挑戰,也調整自己的想法,把眼前的挑戰視為訓練自己獨立自主的機會。思想的彈性與開放﹕個人思想方面,他們可以嘗試轉換思想的角度,學習接受新思想,並且融入新加坡的生活和語言的文化。人際支持與資源﹕中國留學生可以尋求朋友的支持、同儕的鼓勵、學長的幫助以及主動參與團體,以擴大自己生活的圈子及增加自己的人際資源。 最後根據研究結果,分別對在新加坡的中國留學生、新加坡相關單位及未來研究提出建議。


ABSTRACT This study explores foreign China students’ living adaptability in Singapore. In this research, a qualitative research approach is employed and subject of research includes 5 foreign students from China. They are currently on full scholarship sponsored by the Singapore Government. They readily participate in this research and study. Some of them are here less than a year while the others already been here for at least 3 years. The study summaries as follows: 1. Factors mainly affecting these foreign China students in Singapore are mainly external in essence. They are, different climate condition, lifestyle, different in dietary habits and a need to almost drastically change their living habits. The other main factor is cultural shock: It is common to note that almost all China students living and studying in Singapore face a cultural shock in language as the daily language commonly used in Singapore is a form of colloquial English commonly known as “Singish”. As a result, many of these students initially find it very difficult to mix into the mainstream Singaporean as many do not speak standard Chinese even if it is spoken here. Hence, it adds on to the need to adapt to a very cosmopolitan city with many diverse ethnic and cultural differences. Having to adjust to a very different education system is also a very difficult thing to do initially for many of them. Following, personal factor like the lack of exposure to a different lifestyle other than the one they are familiar with back home causes a backslash in their expectation in adjusting to a cosmopolitan city like Singapore. 2. Factors for China foreign students to consider Personal character development and mentality change: They need to maintain a positive and optimistic perspective to cope with the new living environment and learn to face challenges. Learning to face challenges will help them to learn how to be independent and is also a good opportunity to develop good and tough character. Learning to be flexible and be open to new things : They need to first be open in their mind to accept a culture that is so different from theirs by adapting to the local way of communication and cultural approach to matters. This will greatly help them to integrate into the Singapore paradigm they very much needed to. Be resourceful in finding support system: Support system includes interpersonal friendship with the locals and even from China currently in Singapore can be developed. This will generate support from friends, peer encouragement and even support from Singaporean in times of difficulties and troubles. Joining social groups like religious organizations or other support group can also help to maintain this support system. Ultimately, the foreign students will be able to expand their social circle in Singapore with this type of support system. Hopefully, the results of this research can contribute to the future research for the foreign China students adjustment and related organizations in Singapore


Chinese students adjustment coping measures


在他们的 人生留下色彩。聯合早報。副刊。


