  • 學位論文


A Forecast Study of the Adminstrative Corporation of National Universities Impact on National Chi Nan University

指導教授 : 趙達瑜


摘要 高等教育為培育優秀人才,提升國家整體競爭力的一個重要的面向。所以,過去政府在大學教育扮演相當重要的角色。但是,自從七○年代以後,許多國家陷入財政危機,為解決財政困境,導致大學體制作相當大的轉變,我國亦不例外。其中「行政法人化」為我國國立大學制度改革重要的一環。 本研究以國立暨南國際大學作為個案研究,透過分析與預測暨大與其它條件類似的國立大學可能出現的財源、人事與組織問題。本研究所採取之研究方法為文獻分析法、個案研究法及深度訪談法。 本研究之目的為點出國立大學在行政法人化後所可能面對的問題並提供政策建議,以期將來立法者或決策單位對於國立大學行政法人化的推動,能有更周全的建制思維與配套措施。 本研究綜合文獻與訪談資料發現:一、以暨大目前的條件,並不具備行政法人化的能力;二、行政法人化後的雙軌人事狀態可能讓組織運作不順;三、董事會、校務會議與教育部權責難分。依此,謹提出下列幾項政策建議:一、教育部承諾在一定年限內不減少補助款,藉此慢慢成熟學校的主客觀條件;二、儘量利用優退方案讓國立大學的公務員減少,以緩和行政法人化後雙軌人事帶來的問題;三、董事會與校務會議間的關係必須更具體。究竟董事會只是國立大學的監督機制,抑或實質可以影響學校走向與實質決策的單位,權責關係必須釐清。 任何制度的建置都需要時間,而且要非常務實的評估每一個環節。期盼相關單位在推動行政法人制度的同時,能夠考慮個別差異,拉近國立大學彼此的差異,如此行政法人化才能使國立大學整體教學品質、學術成就與經營績效能更上層樓。 關鍵詞:國立大學行政法人化、暨大


行政法人 暨大 暨大


Abstract Higher education is to cultivate more elitists and to increase nation’s competitiveness. The government used to play an important role in this important regard. However, university system has substantially changed since 70s due to many countries faced financial problem. One way out for university is to corporatize. Taiwan is no exception , our national universities have to reform through corporatization. This paper is a case study mainly focused on National Chi Nan University (NCNU). We analyze and forecast the budget, personnel and organization issues will be faced by NCNU if corporatization is in effect. The result is meant to apply to other national universities alike. Therefore, the literature review method is used to lay out research foundation. It guides how the case study should be conducted, and in depth interview is performed to enlarge and highlight the views and problem . The findings are as follows 1) Based on NCNU’s current condition, its abilities to corporatize is deficient. 2) The dual personnel system caused by corporatization will be a problem in university operation. 3) The responsibility among the board of directors, university and the responsible authority (Ministry of Education) is hard to divide and identify. After hard study, we suggest: 1) In order to let the national universities to adjust and become mature from corporatization .Ministry of Education might promise not to cut down subsidy within some certain years. 2) Favorable retirement arrangement should be performed to reduce the number of government employees in the university and to mitigate the problem of dual personnel system to. 3) The Ministry of Education should identify the relation and responsibility between the board of directors and the administrative meeting of the university. Whether the board of directors plays the role of monitor mechanism or decision unit should be clarified. Any reform needs to work out different aspects and details, therefore it takes time. In order to improve the quality of teaching, research and operation of national university, we hope the responsible authority can also pay attention to the differences among universities at the same time when the corporatization to be launched. ,


