  • 學位論文


From the OTA, Instantaneous Economy and the Share of Tourism Economic Research Competitiveness

指導教授 : 楊明青


本論文為以L旅行社面對網路資訊科技的大浪潮,如何成功轉型及企業競爭力的策略與未來的行動計劃,研究分析旅遊市場在瞬時經濟下所面臨因網際網路發展所產生不同的消費模式,與現行旅遊創新的八大趨勢,一併探討其對產業所產生的實質現況。再者,本文以L旅遊為例分析旅遊業的核心競爭力及3C策略的三大模式,對企業所產生的效益。最後,本文也應用SWOT分析實證來探討L旅遊內外部的優劣勢及未來的機會點。 從研究可發現瞬時經濟對公司決策者對於國內外業者相繼投入台灣旅遊市場,不能再以傳統方式來經營,需跳脫傳統思維,來拓展市場幅度及深度,應用資訊科技的成效,已由關鍵成功因素( Key Success Factor )變成關鍵存活因素( Key Survival Factor ),是旅遊產業所必備的重要條件。 再者,本文發現L旅遊首重以資訊科技的趨勢,持續強化IT功能的「科技力、文創力、知識力」,使得過去長期累積經驗不易被模仿,且可創造客戶價值的三大核心競爭力。此外,L旅遊也在通路發展上延續虛實並進的O2O 線上線下的整合服務,結合網際網路之趨勢,積極擴充實體門市,落實社群經營及達人講座的創新模式,除了克服線下經營的危機外,更可以發展出以不同客群的需求為服務導向。


The purpose of this paper is, how the L company explore the transition and the process of industrial structure of travel industry facing under the effect of E-Commerce application. First of all, we discuss the reasons of consumption pattern and innovation trends in current tourism. Secondly, we analyze the benefit of success in the L company’s core competence and the three patterns of 3C strategy. Finally, the demonstration of the L company’s advantages and disadvantages, internal and external, and it's future opportunity from the SWOT analysis. The study finds that the tourism industry can no longer follow the traditional ways to manage the company and needs to adopt the application of new information technology against the instantaneous economy. The benefit of the application of information technology has transformed, from Key Success Factor to Key Survival Factor. Then, the study of the empirical of the company indicate that the L company based on knowledge, technology and innovation , the three cores which can generate its customer value. In the end, the company is becoming the integrated service providers on the development of Online travel services, and explore new customers with the different needs for the service. The study finds that the tourism industry can no longer follow the traditional ways to manage the company and needs to adopt the application of new information technology against the instantaneous economy. The benefit of the application of information technology has transformed, from Key Success Factor to Key Survival Factor. Then, the study of the empirical of the company indicate that the L company based on knowledge, technology and innovation , the three cores which can generate its customer value. In the end, the company is becoming the integrated service providers on the development of Online travel services, and explore new customers with the different needs for the service.


Electronic Commerce OTA SWOT Analysis


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