  • 學位論文


Organic Sludge Reduction by Using Ultrasonic Technology-A Case Study of Fangyuan Industrial Region.

指導教授 : 蔡勇斌


本研究建構一套低耗能的超音波污泥減量技術並結合生物處理方法來處理台灣芳苑工業區有機污泥。廢水指標包含 氫離子濃度pH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration)、總化學需氧量CODt (Total Chemical Oxygen Demand)、溶解性化學需氧量CODs (Solubility Chemical Oxygen Demand )、懸浮固體 SS (Suspended Solid)、混合液懸浮固體 MLSS (Mixed Liquid Suspended Solid)、混合液揮發性懸浮固體 MLVSS (Mixed Liquid Volatile Suspended Solid),試驗區間分為實驗室試驗、活性污泥法結合超音波模場試驗與接觸濾材法結合超音波模場試驗 (以15 L/min、25 L/min、40 L/min三種不同曝氣量) 來探討污泥減量成效。再加入獨立樣本T檢定來分析對照組與超音波組之關聯度。在超音波處理時間實驗中,CODs濃度由起始0分鐘到10分鐘增加3倍的數量,若由起始0分鐘到60分鐘則增加9倍的數量。SS與VSS濃度會隨著超音波處理時間的增加而減少,經研究證實10分鐘超音波處理時間為本案例之最適條件。在比攝氧率 (SOUR) 實驗中,以添加200 mL經超音波處理污泥溶液,其SOUR增加6.57倍 (由3.36 增加至22.08 mg O2/mg MLVSS-hr)。而在耗能試驗中,經過 285分鐘超音波處理,其污泥VSS濃度從4950 mg/L減少至 2010 mg/L,其污泥經超音波處理後減量效果可達60%,考量污泥減量所節省清運費用以及處理污泥所增加電費,每處理一噸污泥可節省1593元。再進行超音波結合活性污泥實驗室試驗,最佳結果顯示污泥減量效果為79.6%。運用實驗室最佳試驗條件進行模廠試驗,CODt與CODs超音波與對照組去除率差值皆10%以內,表示超音波處理對於活性污泥影響不大,在汙泥容積指數 (SVI) 部分,因超音波組數據356mg/L遠大於對照組122mg/L,顯示經超音波處理後造成活性污泥膨化現象。曝氣槽之MLSS、MLVSS與廢棄污泥量,對照組明顯高於超音波組,造成超音波組的污泥齡增加而影響活性污泥減量效果,其減率量為21.9±15.4%。超音波結合接觸氧化模場試驗前60天為系統馴養,第61天後放入繩狀接觸濾材,針對超音波組之迴流污泥進行超音波處理,從穩定後第91天開始計算減量率,平均減量率為49.74%。因此超音波結合接觸氧化為本實驗最佳結果。


This study developed a method for sludge reduction by using ultrasonic technic with low consumed energy, combined with biotreatment (active sludge process) to conduct tests of organic sludge reduction in one industrial area of Taiwan. The wastewater indexes include pH (Hydrogen Ion Concentration), CODt (Total Chemical Oxygen Demand), CODs (Solubility Chemical Oxygen Demand ), SS (Suspended Solid), MLSS (Mixed Liquid Suspended Solid), MLVSS (Mixed Liquid Volatile Suspended Solid). The test interval is divided into laboratory test, activated sludge method with ultrasonic technics test, contact filter with ultrasonic technics test (15 L / min, 25 L / min, 40 L / min aeration) to observe the effect of sludge reduction. An independent sample T test was then added to analyze the association between the control group and the ultrasound group. In the ultrasonic processing time test, the CODs concentration increased 3 times and 9 times from 0 to 10 mins and 0 to 60 mins. SS and VSS concentrations decreased with the increase of the ultrasonic processing time, which showed that the 10 mins ultrasonic processing time was the optimum condition. The SOUR was increased by 6.57 times (from 3.36 to 22.08 mg O2/mg MLVSS-hr) by adding 200 mL of ultrasonic treated sludge solution. In the energy-consuming test, after 285 mins of ultrasonic treatment, the sludge VSS concentration reduced from 4950 to 2010 mg/L, the reduction effect was up to 60%. This method can save 1593 NT dollars per ton of sludge by considering of savings in shipping and the increased electricity bills. Ultrasonic combined with activated sludge test was carried out based on above results, which showed that the best sludge reduction effect of 79.6% in laboratory test. In on-site test, the difference between CODt and CODs at ultrasonic and control groups was within 10%, which indicated that it is no effect on activated sludge reduction via ultrasonic treatment. In SVI tests, activated sludge was puffed after ultrasonic treatment because the data of ultrasonic group was larger than control group. The amount of MLSS, MLVSS and waste sludge in the aeration tank was higher in the control group than in the ultrasonic group, which caused the sludge age in the ultrasonic group increased and activated sludge reduction effect decreased, and the reduction was 21.9±15.4%. The early 60 days was culture process in ultrasonic with contact filter system. Contact filter was placed in the 61st day, and ultrasonic treatment was added to the return sludge. Then, the system tended to stable after 90 days process, and average reduction was 49.74%. Therefore, the best result is ultrasonic combined with contact filter among the above tests.


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