  • 學位論文


The Integration or Differentiation Effect of Ethnic Media: The Representation of Johor Royal in Malaysian Chinese Press

指導教授 : 林開忠


傳播學理中,族群媒介一方面被認為是從少數族群的主體位置來打造或定義該族群身份認同的有效工具,具有抵抗主流社會文化霸權的意義;另一方面也被認為有幫助少數族群成員融入當地社會的機能。在馬來西亞,族群差異政治一直是非馬來人不滿的根源。那麼以維護、弘揚華人文化,並以反對種族霸權為辦報精神與理念的中文報業,是如何在報導中再現出象徵並保障馬來特權的統治者?而在閱聽人看來,又有著什麼樣的意義?為此,本研究採論述分析方法,以《星洲日報》、《南洋商報》、《中國報》、《光明日報》及《東方日報》五家中文報近年一系列針對柔佛王室的新聞再現報導為分析對象來予以詮釋,並以訪談法來探求閱聽人對相關報導的回應。 研究發現中文報除了呈現出柔佛王室對時下公共議題的關懷外,也多以王室同華社間友好情誼的歷史事蹟,或王室對各族節慶的參與等為論述機制,並以族群認同中的食物、血緣關係等符號為報導主題,將原來象徵馬來特權的王室與華人社群之間的緊密關係進行串聯。以此不單型塑出柔佛蘇丹對各族群或弱勢團體關懷的慈善形象、亦是對種族主義零容忍、提倡並促進族群和諧的開明形象,建構出柔佛州子民在開明王室庇護下多族群和諧共存的多元文化意象,展現了國家元首對各族文化的承認,這樣的再現報導同時也反映了華裔族群對政治時局的不滿與族群平等的期望。而從對閱聽人的訪談結果看來,儘管許多受訪者對中文報的論述方式抱有質疑,卻普遍對中文報所再現的王室事蹟給予肯定,部分閱聽人更認為王室的一系列舉措將能夠為族群關係帶來正面的效果。


Ethnic media is a media for a particular ethnic community, and normally for the ethnic which is minority in its country. Not only it can be seemed as a tool for develop identity to the ethnic that it serves, but also help the minority to integrate into the mainstream society. In Malaysia, the politics of difference is the source of non-Malay dissatisfaction. In this case, why and how the Malaysian Chinese medias represent the Malay Rulers who are also the symbol and protectors of the Malay privilege, and meanwhile claim to maintain the Chinese culture and oppose the racial hegemony? And how would the audiences react to these representations? By using the method of discourse analysis to five of the mainstream Chinese newspapers in Malaysia, this study found that besides showing the Sultan of Johor were deeply concerned about the public issues, the medias would report the history of good ties between the Johor royal and the Chinese community. Additionally, the medias would publish the news about the royal participate in all ethnic or religious group’s festival, or using the symbol of ethnic identity such as food or consanguinity as themes of news, to tighten or to demonstrate the relationship between the royal and the Chinese community. On these account, the newspapers not merely have fabricated the kindly image of Johor Sultan for all ethnic groups, including for those vulnerable groups, but rather an enlightened monarch who intolerance to racism. As a result, the medias had display a harmoniously multicultural phenomenon under the shelter from the Sultan. Furthermore, it brings out the message that the Sultan, a leader of nation, had recognize the equal rights of all ethnic. And to most of the audiences, who were interviewed in this dissertation, were highly appreciate for the jobs that the Sultan had done and supposed it may bring a positive impact on ethnic relations. Overall, it may say that the representation in medias had satisfy and reflect the dissatisfaction of the Chinese community by the political situations and their expectation of ethnic equality.


一、 中文著作
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