  • 學位論文


The study of Play Therapists’ Professional Commitment

指導教授 : 林妙容


本研究旨在探討遊戲治療師專業承諾的發展經驗,包括遊戲治療師的學習經驗、遊戲治療師專業承諾的發展過程、影響遊戲治療師專業承諾的因素、對於國內培養遊戲治療師的看法,綜合上述結果其能增進對遊戲治療師專業承諾發展之瞭解。 本研究採取質性研究的深度訪談法進行研究,邀請四位持續有兒童遊戲治療經驗至少三年以上遊戲治療師,並在未來願意持續以遊戲治療進行工作者的遊戲治療師擔任研究對象。研究結果發現如下: 一、本研究結果發現遊戲治療師從事輔導諮商的學習經驗有以下幾項:先備經驗影響其學習過程、對人的共同興趣、實務訓練的重要性提升、提升覺察力幫助專業成長、正向思維擴大思考向度。 二、本研究結果發現遊戲治療師專業承諾的發展過程有以下幾項:由接觸諮商輔導的基礎訓練即開始累積成長,至接觸建立對遊戲治療的好感、對於遊戲治療逐漸產生認同感、專業與生活、個人的結合至發展出個人對於專業的期許及目標。 三、本研究結果發現影響專業承諾的因素有以下三項:正面的回饋、人際影響及機構影響承諾類型。正面的回饋包含個案的認可、薪資、投入時間累積的成長;人際影響包含同儕支持、督導的引導、重要他人的態度;機構影響承諾類型包含機構特性、培育人才制度影響。 四、本研究結果發現對於培養遊戲治療師建議設置一專門培訓機構提供不同學習階段的學習需求,培養不同專業管道的溝通技巧及提供經驗予新手遊戲治療師。 本研究亦根據上述研究結果,給予遊戲治療師、提昇遊戲治療專業承諾、及未來研究方向建議。


The purpose of this research was to explore the professional commitment of play therapist, including understanding play therapists’ learning experiences, the development of the professional commitment, the factors influence the professional commitment, and the comment to the system. I hope that results mentioned above can increase our understanding of professional commitment of play therapists. I used an in-depth interview qualitative research method with four play therapist whom have worked over three years, willing to work on it for the future. The results of the research were as the following: 1.The result of play therapists’ learning experiences encompassed: before experience influence their learning process, the same interesting on human, the importance of the practicing going up, the ability to perceive advance the profession, positive thinking expand thinking range. 2.The result of the development of the professional commitment encompassed: getting grow up with their learning experiences, having favorable impression in it, building the identity with the play therapy, integrate profession and life, having the purpose and expectation on play therapy. 3.The result of the factors influence the professional commitment encompassed: positive feedback, influence of relationship, the influence of corporation. Positive feedback include the agreement from the client, salary, time make profession. Influence of relationship include peer’s support, supervision’s leading, attitude of family. The influence of corporation include the corporation’s characteristic, the system of nurture talented man. 4.The result of the comment for the education system encompassed: establish a education system to service different demand, training tactfully relationship with different people, sharing learning experiences with the novice play therapist. Finally, I also carry out a discussion of the research results mentioned above, and give advice to practical workers as well as researchers who plan to research this issue in the future.




