  • 學位論文


On the Governance of the Anti- Corruption in China since 1979

指導教授 : 梁錦文


治理是目前公共行政或公共管治的重要理念。在眾多治理的指標中,貪腐是治理重要的檢定標準。不論哪個年代、哪個國家都有貪腐的存在、貪腐造成的傷害不僅只對人民、政府,更對經濟、社會等產生強大的破壞力,在貪腐之研究中,Robert Klitgaard提出了貪腐產生的的理論方程式。 透過國際透明組織所公布的中國歷年貪腐印象指數(Corruption Perception Index,CPI)顯示出中國是貪腐嚴重的國家,並且2010年各國的貪腐印象指數顯示,中國鄰近國家如新加坡、香港、日本、台灣、南韓、澳門等的貪腐印象指數排名均優於中國。 本研究引用Robert Klitgaard的貪腐理論方程式,從壟斷、責任與自由裁量權三個角度,來探討中國改革開放後之鄧小平時期、江澤民時期與胡錦濤時期這三個時期的貪腐的產生的原因,首先探究各個時期的政經環境的變遷、以及當時的壟斷情形嚴重、責任的承擔的多寡、自由裁量權的高低的情形,次者,討論每時期的貪腐個案與前述的政經環境變遷以及壟斷過多、責任承擔過少、自由裁量權過高三方面的關係;復次,討論每個時期,中國政府為了因應前述的政經環境變遷與壟斷、責任與自由裁量權三方面問題衍生的貪腐,而透過政策的修訂與法律的更新,是否能打擊防範貪腐案件的發生,並分析不同領導人時期的中國反貪政策與法律。


貪腐 壟斷 責任 自由裁量權


Governance is an important concept of public administration or public governance. Among the indicators of governance, corruption is an important test of governance standards. Regardless of the century in countries where corruption is present, the effects on not only the people, but the government, society and economy as well. In the study of corruption, Robert Klitgaard put forward the theory of equations generated by corruption. Published by Transparency International Corruption Perception Index in China over the years (Corruption Perception Index, CPI) shows that China currently experiences the highest level of corruption in East Asia. The 2010 Corruption Perception Index shows the countries neighboring China, including Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Macau have a Corruption Perception Index ranking better than China. This study utilizes Klitgaard’s corruption formula to examine three different aspects of corruption, i.e monopoly, accountability, and discretion. These aspects are used to examine the periods of time from Deng Xiaoping’s opening up of china, through the presidencies of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao to determine the main causes of corruption. First, various periods of political and economic change, are examined, as well as the serious monopoly situation, relative lack of accountability and level of governmental discretion during each period. The study further examines cases of corruption in each period in light of the aforementioned aspects. Finally, an in-depth analysis of the Chinese government’s response of the challenges present by the different aspects of corruption is provided. The analysis examines the effectiveness of the anti-corruption amendments, policies, and legal code changes that occurred during each leader’s tenure.


corruption monopoly accountability discretion


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