  • 學位論文


A Multilevel Investigation of The Transformational Leadership, Organizational Innovation Climate, Organizational Commitment and Work Morale on Employees Performance

指導教授 : 林欣美


本研究發現利用階層線性模式(HLM, Hierarchical linearmodeling),針對電子產品製造業的員工階層與主管階層進行實證,以探討員工階層之轉換型領導對員工績效之關係、員工之組織承諾對員工績效的關係、員工工作士氣對員工績效之相互影響、主管階層之轉換型領導對員工績效之關係、主管階層之組織創新氛圍對員工績效皆有正向的影響。 在這個研究當中,除了同時驗證轉換型領導、組織承諾、工作士氣、組織創新氛圍、皆對於員工績效的影響有著正向影響,也是在相關領域當中,極少數率先使用階層線性模式做為實證分析的工具。總言之,本研究對轉換型領導、組織創新氛圍、組織承諾、工作士氣對員工績效的影響進行了全面的多層級探討。另外,本研究分別從公司員工以及直屬主管來取得樣本資訊,如此一來更能夠公正、客觀地呈現的研究成果亦是本研究的努力和重要貢獻。


This study use Hierarchical Linear Model to have an empirical research upon employee level and management level of Electronic Manufacturing Industry, and to evaluate (1) the relationship between Employees Performance and Transformational Leadership of employee level, (2) the relationship between Employees Performance and Organizational Commitment to employees, (3) the interaction of Employees Performance and Work Morale, (4) the relationship between Employees Performance and Transformational Leadership of management level, (5) the impact of Employees Performance from Organizational Innovation Climate of management level. In this study, we find that Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Work Morale, Organizational Innovation Climate have positive impact on Employees Performance and this study use HLM as empirical analysis tool. In summary, this study has comprehensive and multilevel investigation of the impact on Employees Performance of the Transformational Leadership, Organizational Innovation Climate, Organizational Commitment, and Work Morale. Besides, we acquire sample information from employees and their direct managers separately, so the research result is fairer and more objective.


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