  • 學位論文


The Research on Cultural Competence of Non-aboriginal Social Workers in Public Sectors at Indigenous areas.

指導教授 : 詹宜璋


論文摘要 本研究主要探討非原住民社會工作者的文化能力概況以及影響其文化能力的相關因素。本研究以全台12個行政區域內包含原鄉的縣市政府之244位社會工作者為研究對象,並以郵寄問卷法進行資料蒐集。 相關研究結果,說明如下: 1.公部門的非原住民社會工作者自評具有中等程度的文化能力;在文化能力的展現上,以「價值/態度」部分為最佳、「技巧」部分次之、「知識」部分最差。 2.公部門非原住民的社會工作者會因本身不同的個人因素,所具備的文化能力會有所差異: (1)年齡越大者其在整體以及知識層面的文化能力越佳。 (2)工作年資較久者,其在整體以及知識、價值/態度層面的文化能力較佳。 (3)跨文化接觸經驗中,以工作處所位於原鄉、工作內容為同時兼辦直接服務與行政業務、現職工作單位中有原住民族的同事、有遊學、跨文化志工經驗、家中有原住民或外籍親屬、曾與原住民族的同事共事、有其他跨文化經驗、工作期間有接受跨文化訓練以及服務原住民的比例較高者,在整體或部分的文化能力較佳。 3.在環境因素部分,以「所服務的單位在政策的推行與方案的規劃上因原住民的特性而有所調整」、「督導在跨文化服務有較多的協助與提醒」以及「與同儕間對於跨文化議題有較頻繁的討論與分享」者,具有較佳的文化能力。 4.個人與環境因素中,共可解釋非原住民社會工作者的文化能力47.6%的變異量。 最後,並根據研究發現,提出下列建議: 1.服務原住民的實務工作者應加強本身的文化能力,並提供年資較長者的實務分享機會。 2.公部門社會服務機關應多舉辦跨文化訓練課程,對於原鄉的服務應採在地設點的方式以及與原住民族相關的政策或方案推行,應要能結合在地的文化特性,以提供適切的服務模式。 3.實務督導應多給予實務工作者跨文化服務技巧的協助,且本身也需擴展對於跨文化服務的認知。 4.社會工作的相關教育機構,在課程的設計上應拓展學生接觸跨文化的經驗,並於課程內容的教導上,涉及結構面或政策面的思考促發。


Abstract This study explored the cultural competence of non-aboriginal social workers and the correlated factors. A total of 244 participates were recruited by using mailing questionnaire survey to gather data. The findings of this research are as follows: 1.Most participates affirmed their cultural competence was in medium degree. The best performance in cultural competence is “values/attitudes”, second is “technique”, the worst part is “knowledge”. 2.The participates’ cultural competence varied with their individual factors: (1)Participates’ age and seniority are positively correlated to one’s cultural competence, especially in the aspects of “knowledge” and “values/attitudes”. (2)Among cross-cultural contact experiences, participates who work in indigenous township, work contained of direct and administrative services simultaneously, work or used to work with aboriginal colleagues, have studied abroad, have cross-cultural volunteer service experiences, have aboriginal or foreign kinsfolk, have other kind of cross-cultural experiences, have been given some cross-cultural training programs, have served large proportion of aboriginal people during work period, have better cultural competence in whole or in part. 3.In the environmental factors part, participates whose “serving unit adjusts policy and program according to aboriginal people’s characteristic”, whose “supervisor provides more assistances and reminders in cross-cultural service area”, and whose “discussion and share of cross-cultural issue with colleagues work more frequently”, have better cultural competence in whole or in part. 4.With the individual and environmental factors, altogether may explain the non- aboriginal social workers’ cultural competence 47.6% amounts of variation. According to the research finding, the results of this study suggest that: 1.Social work practitioners should strengthen their cultural competence, and provide the senior practitioners opportunities to share working experience. 2.Public sectors should conduct the cross-culture training programs frequently, should practice the relative aboriginal policy and program locally in the indigenous area, should combine the aboriginal cultural characteristic to provide proper service mode. 3.Supervisors should provide more assistance of service techniques to the practitioners, moreover, should expand self-consciousness in cross-cultural service. 4.Social work education institutions should design curriculums to increase students’ cross-cultural contacting experiences, and should inspire students’ thinking in structural and policy aspects during teaching curriculums contents.




