  • 學位論文

以體驗行銷觀點探討體驗與滿意度之關係 - 摩兒時尚彩妝造型公司為例

A study of customer experience and satisfaction ; the case of More Make Up Studio

指導教授 : 莊文彬


婚紗業蓬勃發展,帶動整體造型業的增長,市場供過於求,於是發展出『一對一』的服務。而單日只服務一對新人,這樣更可以全程掌握新人的心理狀態,此種互動式的服務,讓客人有更多的體驗感受與消費感覺。 裝扮新娘這行業從古至今,專業呈現是這幾年來才開始。民國70年之後,所有結婚拍照與租借禮服有人開始將它整合成一家公司,整體造型公司會出現則是因為婚紗館客人大多是結婚的新人,館內造造型師大多只能承接新娘,對於其他項目則不願意承接,導致很多需要專業整體造型的客人無人可以服務,所以整體造型公司因應而生。整體造型公司所承接的範圍很廣泛,凡舉要用到彩妝與美髮造型,或是服裝整體搭配者都在範疇內。 本研究根據Schmitt(1999)之體驗行銷(experiential marketing)為理論架構,檢視顧客體驗與整體滿意度間的關係。研究對象為到過摩兒時尚流行彩妝公司的客戶,居住地區為台中市北區、北屯區、西屯區;台中縣豐原市、潭子鄉、龍井鄉。問卷的模式採用Schmitt體驗行銷理論的體驗策略模組、體驗媒介為中心,配合專家學者意見發展而成。


Wedding industry booming , lead the overall shape of industry growth , market oversupply, so having only one developed 『The services of one』. The one-day service only one, so that newcomers can also grasp the whole state of mind, Such interactive services , so customers have more experience with consumer sensory experience. Dress the bride in this industry since ancient times, professional show is really only began in recent years . 70 years after the Republic of China , the Wedding dresses have been photographed and began renting it to integrate into a company, the overall shape appears the company is Museum guests are mostly due to wedding couples to marry, only undertake most of the museum made bridal stylist for other Are reluctant to undertake the project, resulting in the overall shape of many of the guests need professional services no one can, so the overall Modeling company in response to the students. The overall hape of the company to undertake a wide area , where the move to use to make-up and hair Shape, or clothing with those who are in the overall context. In this study, according to Schmitt ( 1999 ) The Experiential Marketing (experiential marketing) as the theoretical framework to view Customer experience and the relationship between overall satisfaction . The subjects were have been to MORE Make Up Studio , living areas , Taichung , Taiwan , Beitun District , Tun District ; Fengyuan City , Taichung County , Tanzih Township , Longjing Township . Questionnaire model used the theory of experiential marketing experience Schmitt strategy module , the media center experience , with expertise Developed from the views of scholars.


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