  • 學位論文


An Adaptive Web-based Concept Map Self-learning Tool Considering the Influence of Information Load

指導教授 : 王育民


本研究目的為考量學習者承受的資訊負荷,調整概念圖應用至數位教材設計上,期望幫助學習者在數位學習上具有更佳的成效。本研究研究變數有二,自變數為具不同資訊負荷的數位教材設計方式,因變數為學習結果。 在具不同資訊負荷的數位教材設計方式之下,設計了三種數位教材:「PowerPoint」、「傳統概念圖」與「精簡化概念圖」;學習結果方面,將以「學習成效」、「知覺易用性」、「知覺有用性」與「資訊負荷度」作為代表測量。本研究將以實驗室實驗法進行檢驗,受試對象為111位國立暨南國際大學資訊管理學系大二以上的大學生與研究生。期望透過本研究成果,能設計更佳的數位教材,降低學習者在超媒體學習環境中,因為資訊負荷過大造成的資訊負荷與資訊超載,進而提高學習的興趣與增進學習的成效。 研究結果發現,瀏覽「傳統概念圖」的學習者在學習成效方面優於瀏覽「PowerPoint」的學習者,而瀏覽「精簡化概念圖」的學習者又優於瀏覽「傳統概念圖」的學習者。在知覺易用性方面,瀏覽「傳統概念圖」與瀏覽「精簡化概念圖」的學習者均優於瀏覽「PowerPoint」的學習者。而在知覺有用性方面,不同數位教材設計之間並無顯著差異。在資訊負荷度方面,瀏覽「精簡化概念圖」的學習者感受到的資訊負荷程度均低於瀏覽「PowerPoint」與瀏覽「傳統概念圖」的學習者。


數位學習 概念圖 資訊負荷


The purpose of this study is to consider the learners’ information load and to apply the concept maps to design e-learning materials, in hoping to help learners achieve better e-learning outcomes. There are two important variables in this study. The independent variable is digital materials with different information load and the dependent variable is e-learning outcomes. Under the different digital materials design styles with different information load, this study design three digital materials: “power point”, “traditional concept map” and “simplificative concept map”. In terms of learning outcomes, we will use “learning achievement”, “perceived usefulness”, “perceived ease of use” and “information load” as the measures of e-learning outcomes. We use the laboratory experiment method to test the hypothesized relationships. We selected the experimental subjects from sophomores and higher in the Department of Information Management of National Chi Nan University. One hundred and eleven students took part in this experiment. Based on the research results, we expect to design better digital materials and to reduce the information load when learners face the Web-based learning environments, and then raise their interests in learning and enhance learning effectiveness. The research results find out the learners who browsing “concept map” are better than those who browsing “power point” in learning achievement, and the learners of browsing “simplificative concept map” are better than learners who browsing “concept map”. In the field of perceived ease of use, the learners who browsing “concept map” and who browsing “simplificative concept map” both of them are better than who browsing “power point”. In the field of perceived usefulness, there are no differences between each other. In the field of information load, the learners of browsing “simplificative concept map” are lower than the learners of browsing “concept map” and browsing “power point” learners.


e-learning concept map information load


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