  • 學位論文


The Alignment of Organizational Culture and Information System and Its Effects

指導教授 : 陳小芬


良好的組織績效是企業經營的生存之道,企業為了維持永續經營的發展,無不致力於提升組織的競爭力與獲利力,因此有效應用資訊科技是企業生存發展必要條件。然而,企業往往無法完全發揮資訊系統的功能與價值,因此本研究的目的便是探討在何種組織情境下企業才能完全實踐資訊系統的功能與價值。 員工是引導企業成功與帶來卓越績效的一個重要環路。資訊系統則是整合科技及管理構面,廣義而言視為人機整合系統;組織文化是一種以人為本的思想為基礎,是企業的靈魂和精神,會影響組織的價值觀、經營理念和規範員工的態度與行為,也可能會阻礙企業的變革及發展。當資訊系統運作於不同的組織文化,就會產生兩者間價值系統是否相容的問題,所以本研究著重於資訊系統的功能及運作是否能有效地配合企業的價值系統,使資訊系統在此價值系統中被認同並發揮最大效益,換言之,資訊系統是否能與組織文化配適,而其契合度是否對企業產生不同的影響。有鑑於此,本研究參考Marchand, Kettinger and Rollins(2000)資訊導向構面(Information orientation),探討「人」對於資訊科技的應用、管理資訊以及資訊行為與價值。探討不同組織文化與不同資訊系統間的配適,是否能提升以人為核心重點的資訊使用行為價值,且進一步瞭解與組織績效之間的關係。 本研究驗證結果顯示:(1)資訊系統功能上支援與創新及積極型文化之間的配適,對資訊使用行為的提升未獲得支持,可能原因在於此類型文化企業對於員工的態度及做事方法較為彈性,較無約束力或限制去使用資訊資源,因而無法有效提升員工對於資訊的使用行為模式成熟度。(2)資訊系統功能上支援與團隊型文化之間的配適,對資訊使用行為的提升未獲得支持,其可能的原因在於企業中,重視面對面方式,因人際關係的維持是無法單靠資訊科技工具而所能滿足的,系統的複雜性及是否有用性也可能是形成員工抵抗的一大障礙。(3)在注意細節型文化的配適下,資訊系統支援蒐集、組織與傳遞功能上,相較於察知功能,更能提升資訊使用行為模式。(4)在穩定型文化的配適下,資訊系統支援蒐集、組織與傳遞功能上,相較於察知功能,更能提升資訊使用行為模式。(5)員工對於資訊使用行為模式成熟度上的提升,對組織績效有正向影響。


How to utilize information system and technology in the organization is the essential condition for survive in the information era. However, organizations are often unable to develop the function and value of information systems completely. This study is to inquire into that the organization can completely develop the function and value of information system under what kind of organization culture. The information system generally regards as the human-machine system which integrates technology and management practice. Organizational culture is a enterprise’s soul and spirit that affects the organizational values, the business concepts and the staff’s attitude and behavior, but also possibly can hinder the organization from transforming and developing. Therefore, when the information systems operate in the different organization cultures possibly have the problem of the alignment or fit. So this study put great emphasis on whether the functions and operations of information system can availably match with the value of information systems, which in turns enables the information system to approve their value and to display the biggest benefits. In other words, whether can an information system align with the organization culture will affect what value it can produce. Under this background, this study refers to the article of “information orientation” which discusses the effective uses of information, information management, and management of information technology. This study attempts to look into the importance of the alignment between different organization cultures and different information system. The outcome of the alignment may approve the value of information system and promote the information use behavior of staff, which in turn improves organization performances. Empirical results reveal that: (1) information system (information management practice) aligns with “innovation and aggressiveness culture” can not promote the maturity of organization staff's uses of information (information behaviors); (2) information system (information management practice) aligns with “team orientation culture” can not promote the maturity of organization staff's uses of information (information behaviors); (3) information system (information management practice) which supports the functions of collecting, organizing and transmitting, compares with the function of sensing, aligns with “detail orientation culture” can promote the maturity of organization staff's uses of information (information behaviors); (4) information system (information management practice) which supports the functions of collecting, organizing and transmitting, compares with the function of sensing, aligns with “stability culture” can promote the maturity of organization staff's uses of information (information behaviors); (5) the promotion of the maturity of organization staff's uses of information (information behaviors) positively affects organizational performance.


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4. 吳萬雲 (2006),行銷活動的內涵,科學發展,399期,第34~41頁
