  • 學位論文


A Study on Construction and Development Industry Stepping across Home Stay Business

指導教授 : 楊明青


鑒於週休二日、連續假期與觀光政策利多所推波助瀾的休閒旅遊熱潮,提升「不當天來回、在外過夜」中長距離旅遊行程其旅宿的需求。而民宿興建或改造之資本及繁雜相較於飯店、旅館則少了許多,誘使國人自營或投資客與企業爭相投入民宿業的熱潮應運而生。 經查交通部觀光局行政資訊系統2014年統計資料:國人國內旅遊計有28.1%的比例屬於「在外過夜」,其中選擇住宿於「民宿」者計有6.4%,約等同於每4~5人「不當天來回、在外過夜」就有1人選擇投宿「民宿」。各地蓬勃發展的民宿儼然成為台灣地區旅遊活動中,占比愈來愈高的旅宿選項之一。 爰此,本研究以營建開發業之從業背景進而思考跨足民宿業的經營,採取質化研究利用文獻回顧法與深度訪談法來歸納綜合12家清境地區民宿業者其經營歷程的領悟心得與持續營運的關鍵因素,藉此融入SWOT分析來探究評估某營建開發業者跨足民宿業的內部優勢與劣勢以及外部環境的機會與威脅,從上述研究結果再進一步推導結論、反思與建議。 欲從異業跨足民宿業經營,可參酌本研究歸納的關鍵因素、分析的優勢劣勢機會威脅,還有推導的結論與建議,作為經營民宿之對照檢視。


Home Stay Business has boomed in recent years. With the increase of the two-day weekends, consecutive holidays and the government's policy promotions of domestic tourism, more and more tourists choose to stay overnight in homestay, among various choices of accommodations in their non-local trips. The construction and renovation in terms of the cost and complexity are much lower than Home Stay Business, compared with those for hotels and inns. Some locals, investors and industrialists, accordingly, show their interest in the promising business. This reason also gives rise to the boom of Home Stay Business in Taiwan. Based on the statistics of Tourism Bureau Ministry of Transportation and Communication in Taiwan, 28.1% of the domestic tourists seek overnight accommodations, nearly 6.4% of which is homestay in 2014. That is, one out of the four or five domestic tourists chooses homestay accommodations. The booming Home Stay Business has become an increasingly popular accommodation option. This research is conducted based on the professional background of the Construction and Development Industry and moves further to reflect on the management process of the Home Stay Business. Qualitative Research, Literature Review and In-depth Interviews are conducted to investigate the crucial factors how 12 homestay owners in Chingjing Area are able to maintain their business. SWOT Analysis is also conducted to explore the inner advantages and disadvantages of the Construction and Development Industry's stepping across Home Stay Business and to further evaluate the external environment's opportunities and threats. The generalized key factors, the analyzed advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats, the inferred conclusions, the listed suggestions in this thesis all serve as a valuable reference for those who are interested in stepping across Home Stay Business from a different industry.


1. 交通部觀光局-行政資訊系統,網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/indexc.asp。
2. 全國法規資料庫-民宿管理辦法(2001/12/12發布施行),網址:http://law.moj.gov.tw/Law/LawSearchResult.aspx?p=A&t=A1A2E1F1&k1=%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86%E8%BE%A6%E6%B3%95。
3. 全國博碩士論文資訊網,網址:http://etds.ncl.edu.tw/theabs/index.jsp。
4. 行政院-六大新興產業資訊網,觀光大國-觀光政策歷程(2016/5/20),交通環境資訊處,網址:http://www.ey.gov.tw/policy9/cp.aspx?n=353285F42BEC7EEC。
