  • 學位論文


Valuing Amenities in Recreation Lodging Market of Taiwan:An Hedonic Approach.

指導教授 : 葉家瑜


近年來國人對於旅遊需求上升,對於住宿品質的要求也日益提升,在此情況下,價格將不再是消費者唯一關心的重點,對於住宿環境、附設設施及服務品質等亦是消費者重視的焦點。故本研究試利用特徵價格法(hedonic pricing method)藉由觀光旅館及民宿住宿價格上的差異反映出服務設施之特徵價格。本研究所蒐集之資料為經觀光局認可之觀光旅館及民宿,其中包含國際觀光旅館60家、一般觀光旅館29家及民宿1,230家。 在本文運用特徵價格理論,採半對數模型及Box-Cox轉換模型,建立台灣觀光旅館及民宿之特徵價格函數,進而推估特徵之隱含價格。研究結果發現觀光旅館及民宿皆可在Box-Cox轉換模型估計之下發現住宿價存在非線性關係,且亦可在實證結果上發現Box-Cox轉換會優於半對數模型,故本文以Box-Cox轉換模型作為觀光旅館及民宿之特徵價格模型。在實證結果上可發現:多數特徵設施皆可為觀光旅館及民宿的住宿價格帶來提升之效果,在觀光旅館方面,如房間容納人數、套房、健身房、會議中心等;在民宿方面,如房間容納人數、套房、獨棟木屋、游泳池、溫泉等。亦可發現旅館及民宿之座落位置可以為其住宿價格帶來正向影響,如都市、風景區。在隱含價格之推估結果上可發現觀光旅館及民宿皆以套房或獨棟木屋之隱含價格最高,可見房間格局對於旅客選擇住宿之重要性。


Hotels are a business to provide personal services. In order to satisfy customers in any kind of needs, hotel managers have to manage the amenities appropriately so that their hotel can have a high quality reputation to maintain and extend their business. This study adopts the hotels listed on the official websites of Tourism Bureau as the research subjects, including international tourism hotels (60), standard tourism hotels (29), and B&B hotels (1230) for analysis. This study applies Hedonic Pricing Method that decomposes room prices to the related package of facilities and services to reveal the marginal prices of each amenity. The resulted prices can provide the information what the customers most highly value and prefer. Accordingly, hotels can use the information to exam if their arrangement does meet their consumer’s demand. The estimation reveals the marginal willingness to pay (WTP) for each amenity by statistically comparing semi-log model and Box-Cox transformation model. The results show that nonlinear Box-Cox transformation model has better fitness than semi-log model so that the estimated coefficients in Box-Cox model are adopted to discuss the numerical relationship between the lodging price and its explanatory variables. The results suggest that the most valuable ways to increase the lodging price in tourist hotels are to increase the capacity in persons each room, to be a suite, to provide gymnasium facility, and to develop a convention center, etc. For B&B hotels, the most valuable strategies are to increase the capacity in persons each room, to set up a suite or a cabin, to provide a swimming pool or a spring features, etc. Also, if a tourist hotel and B&B is located in a scenic area or in a city, it could increase its lodging price significantly.


Box-Cox hotel lodging bed and breakfast hedonic price


一、 中文文獻


