  • 學位論文


The Political Socialization of Female New Immigrants in Taiwan: A Case Study of Xindian District, New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳佩修


摘要 隨著跨國婚姻的普及,衍生出臺灣新移民女性對中文識字能力、生活適應、子女教育及就業上面的種種需求越來越明顯。截至民國九十九年二月底,國人配偶為新移民的人數已高達近43萬人。關注新移民女性來臺的生活適應成了刻不容緩的問題。本研究主要針對新北市新店區就讀國中小補校的新移民女性在進入校園之後對其政治認知、政治態度、政治行為和國家認同有無受到家庭、學校、同儕團體與社會媒體的影響來做探討。藉由深入訪談的方式,取樣十八位臺灣新移民女性為研究對象,本研究根據研究發現與結果歸納如下: 一、婚嫁管道已由單一仲介方式轉趨多元,如親友介紹、工作認識及自由戀愛等。 二、臺灣新移民女性女性與丈夫間的相處語言溝通並不會構成太大的障礙,反而是觀念、風俗及生活習慣的落差才會造成適應不良的情況產生。 三、大部分臺灣新移民女性的婆媳問題由於臺灣新移民女性在夫家中地位較低、很少有頂撞或衝突發生,應對上採取容忍、欲言又止的態度來面對;大約等到孩子出世後,部分婆婆的態度很大的轉變,顯示出婆家對臺灣新移民女性有著基本的防衛態度。 四、家庭對於臺灣新移民女性是一個認識臺灣,進入社會中最重要的管道;大多數的臺灣新移民女性都希望不要因選舉政治等議題而影響家庭安寧。 五、現今國中小補校教學環境提供識字、閱讀及書寫等方面明顯,對於臺灣新移民女性政治社會化上所扮演的角色則較少著墨。 六、原生國學歷的高低對臺灣新移民女性在政治社會化的結果有不同程度的表現。 七、臺灣新移民女性在臺灣初期皆有被人排斥與歧視的經驗。 八、臺灣新移民女性皆能把握手中的選票,積極參與投票選舉,投下她們認為理想中的候選人。 九、在國家認同上大約能認同臺灣意識,主張維持「現狀」者較多,對於國名到底是中華民國還是臺灣仍感到困惑,乃至於無所適從。 關鍵字:外籍新娘(配偶)、新移民女性、政治社會化、政治參與


Abstract Along with popularity of cross-county marriage, various demands derived in term of Chinese recognition, living adaptation, child education and employment are getting obvious. By the end of February 2010, the new immigrant spouses had reached almost 430 thousands. Paying attention to issues regarding living adaptation is urgent now. The study aimed at whether the political recognition, attitude, behavior and national identification of female new immigrants studying at subsidiary elementary and secondary schools in Xindian District, New Taipei City are affected by families, schools, peers and social media. Through depth interview, 18 female new immigrants were samples of subject. The researching finding and results are concluded as follows: 1. The channel of marriage has transformed from single intermediation to diversification, such as introduction of relatives and friends, knowing each other from work and free love. 2. The language for communication between female new immigrants and their husbands is not a big problem. Instead, the maladjustment usually caused by gap of concept, customs and living habits. 3. Most problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law arise from relative low status of female new immigrant in the family. They seldom contradict or conflict with mother-in-law and usually confront with tolerance or about to speak, but saying nothing. After the child born, some mother-in-law would change a lot and are defensive to female new immigrants. 4. Family is an important channel for female new immigrants to recognize Taiwan and enter the society. Most new immigrants hope that issues like election or politics would not interrupt the peace of family. 5. Current subsidiary elementary and secondary schools obviously provide the environment for word recognition, reading and writing, but seldom mention the role of new immigrants in term of socialized politics. 6. Female new immigrants from different countries would have different performances toward results of socialized politics. 7. All female new immigrants had experiences of being excluded or discriminated as arriving Taiwan. 8. Female new immigrants would seize their votes and aggressively participate voting to vote for their ideal candidates. 9. In term of national identification, they generally accept the identity of Taiwan and mostly agree to maintain “current status”. They are still confused about the name of country and at a loose end whether it is actually Republic of China or Taiwan Keywords: foreign bride (spouse), female new immigrant, socialized politics, political participation


1986 《Political science》。商務印刷,頁140。
