  • 學位論文


The Changes of the Regulations on the Western Pop-Music and Gambling Policies in Singapore

指導教授 : 李美賢


有研究指出新加坡人民行動黨能長期維持政權,是憑藉國家的經濟成就與發展成果,獲得多數選民的支持;而新加坡的領導精英們認為維持國內安定是確保經濟持續繁榮的基石。 從新加坡自治開始,行動黨就積極主導「反黃」行動以重整公序良俗,獨立後更透過制定法律等方式安定國內社會秩序,圖求中產階級的支持,並且讓新加坡成為外國企業理想的投資地點。行動黨一直都是執政黨,在國會中總是能以絕對多數通過各項法案;政府長期以各種道德政策規訓民眾,作為安定社會的手段之一,但科技進步與全球化隨著時代推進,政府不斷面臨在道德政策與國家利益中取捨。 本研究主要以新加坡媒體、報紙報導為資料來源,用歷史比較法檢視新加坡西方流行樂規範以及博弈政策的變遷,每當策轉折時政府如何回應來自公民社會的疑問。藉由這兩個道德政策的分析,發現政府總是強勢主導各項政策,雖然含有「家長政治」的特質,然而面對現實需求時,政府能快速有效的調整政策方針,表現出較以往寬容的態度。藉此驗證新加坡身處全球化挑戰中,在道德與經濟抉擇時,政府的生存策略是以國內社會秩序穩定前提之下,讓經濟發展優先於其他政策的考量。


Studies on People’s Action Party (PAP) in Singapore proved that PAP can maintain the regime in the long term, and it also obtains the most voters’ support due to the national economic achievements. Besides, political elites of Singapore convince that internal stability and security are important reasons for prosperity. The beginning of the Dominion to Singapore, PAP promoted “Anti-Vice” positively to reform the public order and good morals since 1959. After Singapore independence, PAP would like to get the support from middle class through making the rules in order to have a stable social discipline. Moreover, PAP made Singapore as an ideal target for International Business. There has been a long period of PAP dominance by an authoritarian regime. In Parliament, passing resolutions is always from an absolute majority. In the past, the government disciplined citizens with moral policies for making a social stability. Times change, technological progress and globalization which make the government to face the choices of moral policies and national interests. The paper employs comparative historical research methods according to Singaporean media and newspapers as the main sources. Also, examining the changes of the regulations on the western pop-music and gambling policies in Singapore, even explore how the government respond to citizen’s doubt while policies are changing. By analyzing two moral polices, the results of this study revealed that the government always dominate the policies strongly with “paternalistic” characteristics. On the other hand, when the government faces the facts, it can effectively adjust the policy with a more tolerant attitude than the past. Obviously, in terms of the domestic social stability, the economic development should be the priority to the surviving strategies from the government.


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Warnier, J.-P. 著卅吳錫德 譯(2003)《文化全球化 (La mondialisation de la culture)》。臺北市: 麥田出版。
王玉葉(2007)〈歐洲人權法院審理原則-國家裁量餘地原則〉。《歐美研究》37(3): 485-511。
