  • 學位論文


Better Life:the Quest for Modernity of Vietnamese brides in Taiwan

指導教授 : 龔宜君




In this study,we would like to discuss how "Vietnamese brides" in Taiwan construct the patterns of their pursuit of "modernity" by taking "the quest for modernity of Vietnamese brides in Taiwan" as research-orientation,with "economic dimension" and "imagination of modernity"as their variable.We used qualitative research methods and sampled 20 who range in distribution of the higher degree of urbanization,like New Taipei City and Taipei City,through semi-structured interview as the main research method in this study.Economic dimension,which is further divided into the economic capacity of the respondents and economic conditions of theirselves, their family of origin,and family of their husbands. "Imagination of modernity" is broken down into individual desire for modernity, seif-indentity,anxiety about seeking status and other factors."Economic dimension" and "imagination of modernity" will affect people's attitude in the pursuit of modernity and the performance of modern consumer behavior.Some of the "Vietnamese brides" choose transnational marriage to solve the economic problems of their family of origin for filial duty. These "good daughters" make efforts to earn money for purchase of modern appliances,reparing and building the houses to enhance the status and dignity of their family of origin.However,there are also someones who choose transnational marriages for widening their horizon and becoming "modern women" with modern living.No matter what the original motive of transnational marriages is,through the practice of modern consumer behavior,we can know whether the respondents are modernized or not and whether the "good life" they persue is what they really want.


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