  • 學位論文


Kuo-Shih Yang’s Adult Educational Thoughts and its Influences

指導教授 : 吳明烈


本研究旨在探討楊國賜成人教育思想及影響。研究目的可分為三項,探究楊國賜的學思歷程與思想淵源;深究楊國賜成人教育思想內涵與體系;細究楊國賜對我國成人教育發展之影響等三項。研究主要採用文件分析法與深度訪談,親訪楊國賜本人及其授業與學者專家,進行深度訪談。 根據文獻探討、訪談資料作分析與討論,本研究共獲致以下各項結論: 一、楊國賜秉持圓融處事、積極創新與終身學習的精神,經師範院校以至國家教育博士;擔任國小教師、大學教授以至大學校長榮退;學而優則仕,出任教育部司長、次長、主任秘書,並擔任多項學術團體理事長,充分展現前瞻視野與宏偉胸襟。 二、楊國賜推動我國發展成人教育最先受到蔣中正對成人教育的重視,並考量我國國家追求現代化的發展宗旨與結合國際成人與終身教育發展趨勢,在進步主義與人文主義教育思想影響下,楊國賜成人教育思想蘊育而生 三、楊國賜成人教育思想內涵的核心為提升人力素質,從成人教育的願景描繪、精神展現、實施目標、推動策略與方法、成人教育的功能論述之,強調我國成人教育應朝獨立且專業的方向發展,以期國家早日邁向終身學習的社會 四、楊國賜成人教育體系包括成人基本教育、婦女教育、家庭教育、休閒與環境教育、視聽與藝術教育、圖書館教育、老人教育等七大領域,有效結合正規教育、非正規教育、非正式教育,使人民終其一生有充分的機會進行學習 五、楊國賜作育英才,著書立說,確立我國成人教育人才培訓制度,促成成人教育專業期刊及學術團體的成立,基礎研究單位的設置,建立本土成人教育學為其最終理念 六、楊國賜從我國最高教育行政單位規劃我國成人及終身教育政策,並使之與國際社會發展接軌,在人才面、經費面、制度面、機構面、法制面有詳盡的建置,為我國成人及終身教育奠定深厚發展根基 七、楊國賜以家庭教育、學校教育、社區教育為縱軸;正規教育、非正規教育、非正式教育為橫軸,提供資源與學習者之間多元聯繫管道,健全我國學習社會發展體制,在理念的倡導、政策的規劃、制度的建立上,發揮強大的影響力 本研究從楊國賜成人教育思想及對我國成人教育發展之影響,提出省思。


In this study, we discuss Kuo-Shih Yang’s adult educational thoughts and the influences. This study consists of three parts: to scrutinize the training process of Kuo-Shih Yang and his academic research on adult education, to analyze the substance and structure of Kuo-Shih Yang’s adult educational thoughts and to discuss his influences on the adult education development in Taiwan. This study adopts semi-structured interview, literature analysis and interviews with Kuo-Shih Yang, his students and other experts. Based on the literature review and analysis on the interview data, we have drawn to the following conclusions in this study: 1. Kuo-Shih Yang has pursued his academic and professional career with active creativity and continuous learning. Kuo-Shih Yang started his professional career from an elementary school teacher to honorably retire as a university principal. Kuo-Shih Yang also ran the offices of Deputy of Minister, Secretariat in the Ministry of Education in Taiwan and led various academic institutes with his forward-looking vision. 2. Inspired by the President Kai-Shek Chiang, Dr. Kuo-Shih Yang launched the development of adult education in Taiwan. Pursuing the modernization in Taiwan and considering trend of international adult education and lifelong learning, Dr. Yang started to cultivate his adult educational philosophy under the influences of the Progressivism and Humanism. 3. The core principle of Kuo-Shih Yang’s adult educational philosophy is to enhance the quality of human capital. Kuo-Shih Yang elaborates this principle from the vision, the goals and the functions of adult education to strategic tactics. In addition, Kuo-Shih Yang supports to professionalize the adult education in Taiwan, aiming to reach the goal of a lifelong learning orientated society. 4. The system of Kuo-Shih Yang’s philosophy on adult education consists of basic adult education, women education, family education, environment and leisure education, visual-audio education, library education and senior education. 5. Kuo-Shih Yang solidifies the training system of adult education in Taiwan and facilitates the publication of professional journals on adult education and the establishment of academic groups and research institutes. The ultimate objective is to establish an indigenous adult education profession in Taiwan. 6. Kuo-Shih Yang advocates an indigenous learning culture and promotes adult education with a top-down, systematic and phased method from the highest national education authority in Taiwan. 7. Kuo-Shih Yang rigorously makes learning resources accessible to learners by means of family, school and community education and formal and informal education to accomplish a learning society in Taiwan. Finally, we proposes several suggestions for the education authorities in Taiwan, adult education institutes and further research on adult education based on the results of this study.


