  • 學位論文


On the Relationship between Taiwanese EFL Students’ Vocabulary Learning Strategies and English Learning Outcomes

指導教授 : 許麗珠


字彙學習是第二語言學習(Bo & Li, 2011)的必要條件,近年來有越來越多的研究探索字彙學習策略與性別、年齡、英語程度、語言學習成果和詞彙習得之間的關係(Nemati, 2008; Gu & Johnson, 1997; Kirmizi, 2014; Schmitt, 1997; Tsai & Chang, 2009)。本研究遵循先前的研究路線研究臺灣的大學EFL 學生首選字彙學習策略偏好與他們的英語詞彙量和英語學習成果。 共六十四位學生 (15位男性,49位女性)自願參與這項研究。通過改編自Schmitt(1997)的問卷調查,針對學生的字彙學習策略進行探討。問卷共有50題,分為五個面向︰決定策略、社交策略、記憶策略、認知策略、元認知策略。本研究使用Nation and Beglar (2007) 的測驗來評估學生的字彙量的大小。字彙量測試包括140題。此外,亦使用Ishihara et al (2003)的克漏字測驗來評量學生的英語語言學習成果。克漏字測驗有三篇短文(文長112-143 字)。在每篇文章,每第五或第六字挖空,考生作答時須完成空格。問卷和兩個測試在正常上課時間執行。 問卷調查和測試資料進行其信度和描述性統計測試。使用皮爾森相關係數分析進行調查學生偏好的字彙學習策略和他們的詞彙量和英語學習成果之間的關係。結果顯示,在五個面向之間並無統計上的顯著意義,學習者的字彙學習策略偏好似乎因為學習者的英文學習成果而有所不同。同時無論學習成效較高或較低的學生都對於「決定策略」有較高的偏好,而學習成效較高的學生較少使用「認知策略」,學習成效較低的學生則較少使用「社交策略」。研究結果也顯示學習者的字彙學習策略和他們的詞彙量和英語學習成果及字彙量的大小之間呈現低相關性。


In light of the wide acceptance that vocabulary learning is essential for second language learning (Zhang & Li, 2011), recent years have seen growing research exploring vocabulary learning strategies vis-a-vis, inter alia, gender, age, proficiency levels, language learning outcomes, and vocabulary acquisition (e.g., Nemati, 2008; Gu & Johnson, 1997; Kirmizi, 2014; Schmitt, 1997; Tsai & Chang, 2009). The current study followed this line of research; it investigated Taiwanese university-level EFL students’ preferences for vocabulary learning strategies in relation to their general English proficiency, vocabulary size and English learning outcomes. Sixty-four students (15 male, 49 female) volunteered to participate in the study. The students’ vocabulary learning strategies were explored by a questionnaire, adapted from Schmitt (1997). The questionnaire consisted of 50 items, categorized into five dimensions: determination, social strategy, memory, cognitive strategy, and metacognitive strategy. The vocabulary size test, developed by Nation and Beglar (2007), was used to assess the students’ vocabulary size. The test included 140 questions. The students’ English language learning outcomes were assessed by means of C-tests, which had been empirically corroborated by Ishihara et al (2003) as a valid English proficiency test. The C-tests have three passages (ranging from 112 to 143 words). In each passage, the last half of every fifth or sixth word was deleted for the test takers to complete. The questionnaire and the two tests were all administered in regular class time. The questionnaire and the test data were examined for their reliability and descriptive statistics. Pearson Correlations were conducted to examine the relationship between the students’ preferences of vocabulary learning strategies and their vocabulary size and English learning outcomes. Results showed that there was no statistic significant difference among the five dimensions. Results also showed that the learners’ preferences for vocabulary learning strategies seemed to vary according to the learners’ proficiency level. Both the high and the low proficiency groups reported to use the determination dimension the most often. However, the high proficiency group used the cognitive dimension the least, whereas the low proficiency group used the social dimension the least. Moreover, low correlations were found between the leaners’ preferences for vocabulary learning strategies and their English learning outcomes.


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