  • 學位論文

影展是個好主意? 非營利組織自辦影展之歷程研究

Movie Festival as A Good Idea? A Study of NPO's Experiences.

指導教授 : 賴弘基


非營利組織辦理影展的現象日益普遍,基於非營利組織實為成人教育的實踐場域之一,其所籌劃的影展方案自然值得關注。本研究旨在探討這些非營利組織自辦影展的輪廓,分析非營利組織為何與如何辦理影展,並從成人教育的角度分析其執行成效,以作為後續規劃之參考。 本研究採用質性研究之文件分析法、深度訪談法以及參與觀察法,以2004至2008 年間,曾在台北舉辦的八個非營利組織自辦影展為研究個案,廣泛蒐集各種實務資料,訪談十一位曾主導影展規劃的非營利組織工作者、三位具有影展相關專業的外部觀察者,並對其中兩個個案進行參與觀察。 透過對營利組織自辦影展實務經驗的解構,與文獻的交叉應證,本研究發現影展是非營利組織行議題宣導與公眾教育的新興工具,這類影展依照組織規模與發展思維的不同,在籌備歷程上呈現靈活、多元的樣貌,DVD 是非營利組織自辦影展偏好使用的放映格式,因為規劃人員雖然看重電影的敘事魅力與影展的吸睛能力,但增進民眾對於社會議題認識與暸解才是此類方案的本質,不過本研究也注意到,影展整體規劃缺少具有教育思維的設計,從成人教育角度觀之,非營利組織自辦影展的教育功能尚未能有效發揮。


Movie festivals held by NPOs become more and more prevalent. Since NPOs have beenone of the main fields of adult education, their projects of movie festival deserve moreattention. This research aims to explore the framework of movie festivals organized byNPOs, and analyze why and how NPOs conduct their projects through movie festivals.This research also evaluates the outcomes of these movie festivals based on theperspectives of adult education. It aims to provide valuable reference when others planto organize a movie festival in the future. This research conducts the qualitative method, including documents analysis, interview,and participant observation. The cases study includes eight NPOs that organized moviefestivals and held at least one section in Taipei from 2004 to 2008. The research datawere broadly collected. In particular, eleven NGO workers and three professionals withbackground on film festivals have been interviewed. This research also conductedparticipant observation particularly in two of the movie festivals. In deconstructing the empirical process of movie festivals organized by NPOs,combinedwith literature review, this research discovers that movie festivals are a newly emerginginstrument for agenda campaign and public education. Based on various scales andapproaches among NPOs, their planning processes are diverse and very creative. DVD isthe preferable format in movie festivals held by NPOs. Even though the projectorganizers value the movies for their power in narrating, and rely on movie festivals fortheir capacity of drawing attention from the audience, increasing public understandingon a social agenda is still the central concern. However, it is also noted that there hasbeen a lack of a more thoughtful design based on the purpose of education in the overallplanning of these movie festivals. In other words, the movie festivals held by NPOs havenot really achieved their goals thoroughly.


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