  • 學位論文


Creative Co-evolution in Organization:Evidence from Vitalon Company

指導教授 : 林欣美


當整體經濟或經營環境產生變化時,企業為求生存或突破經營瓶頸,除了可透過組織調整、目標轉換或組織結構改變等漸進式的改革外,也有部分企業是採取破壞式創新,配合環境與市場需求而創造出新產品;或因新產品的出現,而影響整個環境的演化。本研究即是組織、環境與消費者潛在需求三者共演化之最好案例。 本研究利用組織、環境與消費者潛在需求三者共演化論點來解釋與探討「企業面對環境變化時,為求生存或發展而因應出各種組織變革與發展」。本論文將以傳統飲料產業領導廠商維他露公司的個案作為研究對象,利用歷史研究法來分析此公司自民國45年成立以來,如何在歷經企業經營危機時,結合環境趨勢與市場需求來進行共演化。每次演化皆先由商品創新後、再衍生出行銷創新、經營模式創新、管理程序創新等組織創新,最後進化至產業創新等行為。演化過程中已為環境與產業帶來顛覆式的變化,更為企業創造出多項領導產業行為,如維他命汽水第一品牌(維他露P)、運動飲料第一品牌(舒跑)、機能茶飲料第一品牌(每朝綠茶)等產品革命性創新,成功讓維他露公司成為國內第一大飲料廠。本研究經由深度訪談及收集次級資料做為內容分析,為創造性組織共演化的各種觀點,推論出有關組織轉型之機制、類型與模式研究。 研究結果顯示維他露公司在每個事件歷程中,都存在學習與開放的演化前提,且皆處於混沌的經濟環境中,公司在創造性共演化的機制動力下進行組織轉型,只是轉型前提與機制有強弱程度之分;在轉型前提與機制的事件呈現明顯強烈的動態時,組織即產生革命性的演化過程;再配合其他漸進性量變的過程,共同組成一個符合時空經濟與消費者需求的演化模式,進而演化出這些轉型的過程與結果。本研究將以產品創新、行銷創新、管理程序、經營模式、產業創新等五種轉型結果加以定義,其亦配合環境採突破性共演化,質量互變的路徑,由產品創新、行銷創新或經營模式創新的趨使下由內而外進行革命性的組織變遷,由歷史資料可看出,維他露每次的演化都與環境與消費者潛在需求有著極相關性並相互影響。


When the overall economy or business environment changes, the company in order to survive or break business bottlenecks, in addition to through organizational restructuring, goal conversion, or structural changes such as gradual reforms, as well as some enterprises are taking damage to innovation, with the environment and market demand to create new products; or because of the emergence of new products, which will affect the evolution of the whole environment. This study is the organization, the environment and the potential demand of consumers a total of three cases of evolution of the best. In this study, organization, environment and consumer demand for the three total potential arguments to explain and explore the evolution of "corporate face of environmental change, for the sake of survival or development in response to a variety of organizational change and development." This paper will be the traditional beverage industry leader Vitalon's case as an object of study, the use of historical method to analyze the company since its inception 45 years Republic of China, how the business after a crisis, combined with environmental trends and market demand for A total of evolution. Each time evolution of all start with product innovation, and then derived from marketing innovation, business model innovation, management innovation, organizational innovation process, the final evolution of the behavior of industrial innovation. Evolution has brought subversive environment and industry changes, more companies to create a number of leading industrial activities, such as vitamins soft drink brand (Vitalon P), the first brand of sports drink (Shupao), functional tea brand drinks (green tea every morning), and other products a revolutionary innovation, the success so Vitalon company became the largest beverage factory. In this study, depth interviews and collected by the secondary data as content analysis, for the creative evolution of tissue in the various views on organizational transformation to infer the mechanism, type and Mode. The results showed Vitalon in the course of each event, there is the evolution of learning and opening up the premise, and are in a chaotic economic environment, companies in the creative power were carried out under the mechanism of evolution of organizational transformation, but the premise and the mechanism of transformation the extent of the strength of the points; in transition and mechanism of the premise of the event showed clearly the strong dynamics, the organization that the evolution of a revolutionary; together with other progressive process of quantitative change, together form a consistent spatial and temporal evolution of the economy and consumer demand mode, and then evolve the transformation process and results. This research will be product innovation, marketing innovation, management procedures, business model, industry innovation, the results of five kinds of transformation to be defined, which also adopted a breakthrough with the total evolution of the environment, the quality of the path of each variable by product innovation, marketing innovation or business Innovation of driven from the inside out organization of a revolutionary change can be seen from the historical data, the evolution of each Vitalon with the environment and the potential demand of consumers have a very relevant and affect each other.


3.李青芬等編譯(2006),Stephen P. Robbins原著,「組織行為學」,台北:華泰書局。
