  • 學位論文


Situational Identity: The rose-coloured glasses of Mainland Chinese Taiwanese Entrepreneur

指導教授 : 莊國銘
共同指導教授 : 孫同文(Milan Tung-Wen Sun)


在舒耕德對中國大陸台商的研究中發現台商「情境認同」的情況已浮現,許多台商會因地制宜地調整他們的認同,實際情況而言,台商相較於其他國家的商人幸運,兩岸間潛存著各種「看不見的差異」成為他們手中的王牌,善巧運用那些看不見的差異,棘手的認同問題會獲得暫時的舒緩。英國小說家Thomas Hughes曾在其著作提到「玫瑰色眼鏡」(rose-coloured glasses),原意係指看待人事物的正向態度,透過玫瑰色眼鏡只看到事物的美好的一面,並樂觀的許以它們正向的意義。「情境認同」正如專屬於台商的玫瑰色眼鏡,能幫助他們隨心所欲的將族群邊緣放大或縮小,但這不意味著實際上族群邊緣的鬆動,透過眼鏡看到的只是暫時失真的幻象,在拿掉眼鏡之後,所有失真的東西會回復原狀,我群與他者間的界線仍難以跨越。這樣的工具,也許能帶給台商們更多方便,當他們戴上眼鏡時,眼鏡的幻術使他們與大陸人間的差異和隔閡冰消瓦解,他們一塊成為炎黃子孫彼此相濡以沫;當他們拿下眼鏡時,差異與界限仍然存在,仍舊是他們考量與斟酌的基準,難以輕易的鬆動。本文希望藉由探討大陸台商「情境性認同」,了解該認同模式發生的前因後果,並更進一步探討台商如何去運用這樣的認同模式。


台商 情境性認同 國家認同


According to Dr. Gunter Schubert’s research , “Situational Identity” already occur to the Taiwanese entrepreneurs in Mainland China , many Taiwanese entrepreneurs vary their identity according to different situation .In fact , Taiwanese entrepreneurs are luckier than other country’s entrepreneurs, the invisible divides between the Taiwan strait become their superiority, Taiwanese entrepreneurs can operate invisible divides properly to mitigate the knotty identity problem. England novelist Thomas Hughes used to mention “rose-coloured glasses” in his writings, to treat everything with positive attitude was the original intention of rose-coloured glasses, through the rose-coloured glasses , people can only see the good dimension of things , and give it positive meaning optimistically. Situational Identity is just like Taiwanese entrepreneurs’ rose-coloured glasses, it can help them to magnify or minify the ethnic boundary easefully, but it doesn't mean that ethnic boundary will collapse in reality, what Taiwanese entrepreneurs see is the temporary illusion of the rose-coloured glasses, everything will be restored after taking off the glasses, the limit between the others and we group is still exist. Rose-coloured glasses brings convenience to the Taiwanese entrepreneurs, when they put on the glasses, the magic of the glasses break the barrier between Taiwanese entrepreneurs and Chinese, they all become the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi;when Taiwanese entrepreneurs put off the glasses, they still take the difference and boundary into consideration. Our research hope to explore Taiwanese entrepreneur s’ situational identity, find the cause and effects of this model, and figure out how Taiwanese entrepreneurs use this model. Keyword: Taiwanese entrepreneur, situational identity, national identity


Bauer , Martin W. & George Gaskell(羅世宏、蔡欣怡、薛丹琦譯)
Gellner ,Ernest (李金梅、黃俊龍譯)
Hardin ,Russell.
