  • 學位論文


Alignment of Collagen by Magnetic Nanoparticle and Synthesis of Hollow Polyaniline Capsules

指導教授 : 陳家俊


許多人體組識的重要結構,例如骨頭、皮膚、角膜、肌腱…等,都是具有特殊的排列,關於如何排列膠原蛋白和改變它的結構在生物醫學上是非常重要的,在這我們提供一個方法,利用磁性粒子FePt來改變膠原蛋白,並且用穿隧式電子顯微鏡和雙光子共軛焦顯微鏡以及圓二色光譜來分析。 另外,我們設計一個方法可以合成聚苯胺包覆金屬氧化物的核殼結構,其中金屬氧化物我們使用了氧化銅、氧化鐵、氧化銦、以及氧化矽包覆氧化鐵的奈米粒子,而且將金屬氧化物去除來成為一個中空的聚苯胺膠囊,並且可以利用不同大小及形狀的金屬奈米粒子會製造不同大小及形狀的中空聚苯胺膠囊,利用我們這個方法可以有效且簡易的製作多功能且穩定的核殼結構。


Extracellular matrixes such as bone, skin, cornea, and tendon have ordered structures composed of large amount of collagen. How to alignment collagen and change it’s structure is very important in biological and medical application. Here, we demonstrated a methodology to arrange the structure of collagen by FePt magnetic nanoparticle. The conformation of collagen was analyzed and investigated by transmission electron microscope (TEM)、circule dichroism spectroscopy (CD)、Multiphoton autofluorescence. In the other experiment. A double-surfactant layer assisted polymerization method was designed to prepare well-controlled core/shell metal oxide/polyaniline (c/s-MO/PANi) nanocomposites. The monodispersed and uniform core/shell nanocomposites including c/s-CuO/PANi, -Fe2O3/PANi, -In2O3/PANi and -Fe2O3/SiO2/PANi were successfully prepared using this polymerization method. By the removal of the cores for the resulting c/s-MO/PANi nanocomposites, hollow PANi capsules with different shapes and sizes were obtained. Our method provides a facile and effective way to design novel core/shell nanostructures with diverse functionality and high colloidal stability


collagen FePt core/shell metal oxide polyaniline capsules


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