  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳昭珍


本研究旨在探討大學生之資訊需求與資訊尋求行為。本研究自編「大學生資訊需求與資訊尋求行為」問卷,以台灣師範大學工業科技教育系二至四年級共138名大學生為對象,分析不同性別、年級、年齡與組別等背景的大學生對於資訊需求、資訊尋求與資訊使用行為之間的差異,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與卡方考驗等統計方法進行分析。 本研究之重要發現包括:(一)大學生修讀不同課程在資訊方面需求以「專業理論課程」為主;在瞭解主題課程內容之資訊需求方面,「通識課程」中以科技與生活類;學生在學習相關活動需求方面,會去尋找科技方面的資源,以繳交課業書面報告。(二)不同性別的學生對於課程資訊需求強度上有顯著差異;不同年級在「加強有關生活科技課程知識」之需求有差異;(三)資訊尋求方面遇到問題時,大多數會使用「搜尋引擎」之網路資源尋求答案;在利用實體尋找資料過程中,最常利用的是瀏覽圖書館的書庫及紙本目錄;在利用圖書館尋找資源方面,學生會利用「圖書」;在透過人際關係取得資源方面,以同儕討論。根據資訊尋求分析顯示,學生資訊尋求的因素中選擇「分析所搜尋的關鍵詞」;對於系所提供資訊尋求服務滿意程度,以「實習工場設備及器材提供」及「實習工場內器材技術的協助及諮詢」。(四)不同組別在「搜尋引擎」、「各類型網站及網路資源」與「參加討論群」,電腦應用組與人力資源組有顯著差異;不同性別在「書商提供工業科技目錄資料」上,男女生之間有差異顯著;不同年級在「自然與生活科技學習領域教學資源中心」、「科教網」、「九年一貫課程與教學網」上,二年級、三年級與四年級之間有顯著差異。(五)資訊使用分析顯示,學生資訊使用的因素中選擇「資料的精確性」。學生如何運用取得資源,以「保存建立個人資料檔」;學生選擇使用圖書館,會考慮的因素,以「豐富的館藏資源」。 依據本研究結果提出建議,以供相關單位或個人建議參考。 【關鍵詞】 工業科技教育學生;科技教育;資訊需求;資訊尋求;資訊使用


The study conducts an exploratory investigation aimed at gaining a better understanding of the information demand and information seeking behavior among university students. It is based on the data obtained through the means of self-compiled questionnaire, which was answered by 138 sophomore, third grade and senior students of the Department of Industrial Technological Education of the National Taiwan Normal University. Using statistical methods of descriptive statistics, Independent-Samples t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Chi-square test, it analyses the differences in the information demand and information seeking behavior with regard to the participants’ gender, year of study, age, group affiliation, etc. The following are the main findings of the study. First, while taking up various courses of study, the students show the strongest information demand for the course of professional ethics. As for understanding courses’ content, among general knowledge courses, the students exhibit the strongest information demand in the category of technology and life. In terms of course work, the students search most for technology-related materials when they are to submit written report. Second, there is a striking difference between genders with regard to the intensity of the information demand for the studied courses. Similarly, the students of different grades show disparity in the information demand in the category “reinforcement of the knowledge related to the life technology course.” Third, difficulties in seeking relevant information most of the students resolves by using the Internet search engines to look for answers. While doing the substance search for materials, the students most often rely on taking a casual look at the storeroom of the library and on printed catalogues; when looking for resources in the library, they tend to use charts; another important means of obtaining resources is through personal interaction, such as discussions with classmates. The analyses of information seeking reveal that, from among the factors of information seeking, the students tend to choose the “key words needed for analysis.” As for the degree of satisfaction with the services provided by the department in terms of information seeking, they show higher satisfaction in two categories: the “facilities and supplies offered by laboratory” and the “skills assistance and advice with regard to laboratory equipment.” Forth, the computer utilization group and the human resources group manifest obvious differences in the use of three categories: “search engine,” “various websites and internet resources” and “participation in group discussion.” Between genders, striking differences are found in the use of the “catalogues of industrial technological materials provided by publishers.” Among the students of different grades, there are evident differences in the utilization of the following categories: “center for teaching materials in the field of natural and life technology,” “science teaching network,” and “ nine years compulsory education courses and teaching network.” Fifth, the “materials’ accuracy” appears to be considered by the students as the most important factor with regard to the use of information. The main means by which the students tend to apply obtained information is “save and establish personal materials files.” While choosing to use a library, “richness of the stored materials” plays an important role in their deliberations. Finally, taking into consideration the main findings, the study provides some recommendations for relevant entities or individuals. Key words: Students of industrial technological education; technological education; information demand; information seeking; information usage


Dervin,B.& Dewdney,P(1986).,Neutral Questioning a new approach to the reference interview.RQ26,P506-513


