  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王天苗


本研究採用質性研究方法,深入探究三名接受資源班服務的國中學生有關資源班的經驗與感受。資料蒐集為期約七個月,透過深度訪談與文件資料的蒐集等方式,和研究參與者互動而得。   經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先分別呈現三位學生和資源班交會的故事,再進一步提出共同的核心議題。本研究主要發現如下: 一、資源班老師對待學生的方式影響學生對資源班的喜惡。 二、從進入資源班開始,學生經歷了一連串的被決定事件,老師和家長代為決定的結果造成學生對自身事務的漠然或隱隱反彈。 三、學生感受到的資源班學習成效是模糊的;課程內容的差異和成績考核的調整,使學生感受到兩頭適應的困擾。 四、資源班區隔出校園裡的異群體,學生經歷到身分的標記,也經歷到在同儕間地位的降低或疏離。 五、在人境互動的經驗裡,學生看見自己的缺陷,卻看不見自己的價值。   整體而言,老師的對待、學習的成效、以及同儕的關係形構了學生在校園裡的融入感以及對自我的掌控感和價值感。身為教師,尤應省視自我看待學生的觀點以及傾聽學生心裡的聲音,並在教學之外,致力促進學生的融入和自主。


資源班 質性研究 學生觀點


The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore what three students with special needs, Wei, Shan, and Shiou, have experienced with the resource room program in a junior high school. Data were collected in seven months with in-depth interviewing and documents associated with these students. Three stories were reported individually and synthesized into five major findings: (1) the students’ perceptions and experiences in the resource room were influenced by the ways how resource room teachers had disciplined them; (2) to the decisions made by the parents and teachers, they reacted with irritation or passiveness; (3) the remedial instruction in the resource room program was not efficient in terms of learning outcomes, and they felt annoyed with different rules, curriculum and progress evaluation made by the regular classrooms and the resource room; (4) “special” labels and low social status in the peer groups seems to separate them from the mainstream culture; (5) they tended to over-emphasize their disabilities and value themselves less as the results of interacting with their environment and people around them. Overall, discipline strategies adapted by resource room teachers, effectiveness of remedial instruction, and peer relationships had the impacts on these students’ sense of belonging, sense of control, and self-concept. It is suggested that educators might need to self-examine their viewpoints toward students, hear the voices of students, and make efforts to enhance more inclusion and self-determination of students with special needs.


Barker, C., & Pistrang, N. (2005). Quality criteria under methodo-logical pluralism: Implications for conducting and evaluating research. American Journal of Community Psychology, 35, 201-212.
Biklen, S. K. & Moseley, C. R. (1988). “Are you retarded?” “No, I’m catholic”: Qualitative method in the study of people with severe handicaps. The association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 13(3), 155-162.


