  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張俊彥


本研究的主要目的,在於定義高中課程中「重大地球科學事件(MGE)」的項目,並探討高中學生對「MGE」各種尺度時間概念(代、紀、相對排序及絕對年代)理解的程度,以及影響高中學生「MGE」認知的相關因素,並使用描述性統計及相關性(多元迴歸)、t-test及ANOVA分析方式,來探討影響高一學生MGE認知的因子。為達成研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查的方法進行,且以立意取樣的方式,選取曾配合基礎地球科學中心「重大地球科學事件」網路調查之教師及其任教之高一學生為取樣樣本。從參與網路調查之34所高中,隨機抽取20所之教師及其任教學生為樣本,共計抽取教師樣本20人,回收樣本14人,有效樣本10人;抽取學生樣本800人,回收樣本560人,有效樣本422人。 研究結果主要有以下五點:(一)有百分之70%以上的教師認為重要且為課綱內容的MGE為:(1)固體地球的形成(2)太陽系的起源或形成(3)大氣層中氧氣的出現 (4)原始海洋的形成 (5)盤古大陸的分裂(6)地球上早期生命的出現—藍菌出現(7)大氣層中臭氧的出現(8)台灣島的形成(9)大霹靂的發生。(二)前述之9項MGE裡,學生最感興趣的為「大霹靂的發生」,而學生最不感興趣的事件為「大氣層中臭氧的出現」。以出現頻率而言,「太陽系的起源與形成」是九項事件中最常出現的,而「盤古大陸的分裂」是最不常出現的事件。比較學生與教師在興趣與課程出現頻率的分數差異可以發現,教師在兩者的平均分數均高於學生。(三)由分析答對率結果可知,學生對於MGE的相對年代認知顯著高於學生對絕對年代的認知,且學生對於MGE的排序認知亦顯著高於學生對絕對年代的認知。(四)影響學生代認知的因素為地科興趣、紀認知及相對年代排序;影響學生紀認知的因素為事件興趣、事件頻率、代認知及絕對年代認知;影響學生相對年代排序的因素為代認知、地科信心及絕對年代認知;影響學生絕對年代認知的因素為紀認知、相對年代排序及地科興趣。(五)學生性別差異出現在地科信心、事件興趣、紀認知、相對年代排序、絕對年代認知共五項項目,在統計上男生分數皆顯著高於女生,但為小效果量。


Abstract:To Understand of geological time concepts of senior high school students, a total of 10 teachers and 422 students were surveyed. The first purpose of the research was to identify “major geo-events (MGE)”. The second was to investigate which factors would influency students’ conceptions of era knowledge (EK), period knowledge (PK), relative age sequencing (RAS),and absolute age knowledge (AAK).As a result, five research questions were posed, addressing: (1) specifying major geo-events by senior high school teachers; (2) the conceptions of students’ EK, PK, RAS and AAK of the MGE; (3) resolving influences of IES, SCES, IGE, and EGE on EK, PK, RAS and AAK; (4) gender differences in IES, SCES, IGE, and EGE; and (5) gender differences in EK, PK, RAS and AAK. Results show that: (1) at least 70% of the teachers considered that ”Solid Earth’s formation”, “Solar system origins”, “Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere”, “Atlantic opens”, “Pangaea fragmented”, “cyanobacteria appeared ”, “ozone appeared in the atmosphere”, “Taiwan island formed” and “Big bang” were nine most important major geo-events; (2)students were most interested in “Big bang” and least interested in “ozone appeared in the atmosphere” , but considered “Solar system origins” and “Pangaea fragmented” as the most encountered events and the least events respectively among the MGE. Comparing with teacher views indicated that teachers’ scores in IGE and EGE were both higher than students’; (3) students’ EK & PK were both superior to their AAK, and was their RAS. (4) students’ IES, PK, RAS would effect their EK, for PK, these effect factors IGE, EGE, EK and AAK, then for RAS, these factors were EK, SCES, and AAK, last for AAK, the factors were IES, PK and RAS; (5)there were gender differences in IES, SCES, IGE, EGE, EK, PK, RAS and AAK, but the effect sizes were small.




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