  • 學位論文


Image Texture Synthesis Analysis

指導教授 : 黃怡誠


材質對於很多電腦圖學、視覺、與影像的應用上是很重要的一個環節,材質合成對於創造任意大小的材質影像更是較好的方法,然而要設計出一個同時具有高效率並且產生出高品質成果的演算法是有其困難的,而現下也有許多這方面演算法的研究。   在這篇論文裡,我們找出這些研究的演算法,並實際將演算法實作成可用的程式,來做影像材質的合成,並且針對各種不同的材質如複雜色調、簡單色調與單一物體材質、多重物體材質的差異來看這些演算法的效率以及產生出來的品質是否會因為材質的差異而有所改變。   我們分別使用 Single resolution W-L algorithm與Multi-resolution Wei-Levoy algorithm這些材質合成方法來交叉比較各種不同的材質,經過這些方法合成出的結果,他們的效率以及產生出來的品質有什麼不同。 Wei-Levoy algorithm 是一種非常普遍適用於任何形態的材質合成的演算法,不過也因此有某些特性,他的合成趨向於將影像模糊朦朧化,使得合成出的材質呈現出比合成前的樣本平滑,因此在我們的研究中將探討這些演算法究竟是適合合成出哪些材質,而哪一方面的不適合這個演算法。


影像合成 材質合成


Texture is an important aspect of computer graphics, because it allows increasing the realism of images. The synthesis of textures is one of the better ways to create texture images of arbitrary size. However, it remains difficult to develop an algorithm that is both efficient and capable of generating high quality results.   In this paper, we find out the algorithm of the research, implement algorithm make procedure that can use in fact, make image texture synthetic, and direct it against all kinds of texture like the complicated tone and simple tone,watch these perform efficiency and quality that production come out of algorithm.   We use W-L algorithm to hand in separately. The fork compares all kinds of texture, the result formated out through these methods, their quality coming out in efficiency and production has anything different.   Wei-Levoy algorithm is the algorithm of material very suitable for any shape generally formates, but he synthetic make material appeared to formate demonstrate sample after formating level and smooth, perform algorithm is it formate which texture does it produce to suitable, which fit for this algorithm of performing.


Image Synthesis Texture Synthesis


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