  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 洪仁進


臺北市國中教師對學生獎懲實施現況之研究 摘 要 本研究旨在探討臺北市國中教師對學生獎懲實施之現況,進而歸納出建議事項,提供教育行政機關、學校行政及教師個人的參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,以專任教師、導師及兼職行政教師(主任、組長)為研究對象;發出問卷樣本數408份、回收365份,其中有效問卷樣本數為351份;藉此以獲得研究所需的資料,達成研究目的,所得結論如下: 一、臺北市國中教師於實施學生獎懲時,普遍能感受到學校建置的相關機制與各項支援,且大都具有實施學生獎懲相關認知與正確執行作法。其中教師最贊同學校訂定實施學生獎懲之有關規定、公告及救濟途徑等等的行政機制。 二、臺北市國中教師大多數肯定學校有持續辦理實施學生獎懲之相關研習宣導,能提供實施輔導與管教學生所需之設施物品及表單,並可得到校內訓輔同仁或外聘心理師等專業人員之行政支援。 三、臺北市國民中學教師普遍瞭解遵守輔導管教相關法令是對教師實施學生獎懲的保障,能預先告知學生獎懲標準,處理學生違規行為時也能符合作法並提供改過機會,多數教師會告知學生異議申訴的管道保障學生權益。 四、目前臺北市國中有將近一半的教師實施學生獎懲時不會送交訓導處處置。也有少數教師對於學生獎懲實施要點的規範,尚有不同意見。還有少部分教師認為遵循輔導管教相關法令規章來實施學生獎懲,是很大的工作負擔。 五、臺北市國民中學教師對學校實施學生獎懲時之行政推動上的看法,會因其性別、職務及年資的不同而有顯著差異。但不會因其教育程度與服務學校規模的不同而有差異。 六、臺北市國民中學教師對自我實施學生獎懲之認知與作法的看法,會因其背景的不同而有部分顯著差異,其中以不同職務教師的差異最為顯著。 本研究依據上述研究結論,分別對教育行政機關、國民中學行政及國民中學教師提出以下建議: 一、 師資培育需加強開設「輔導與管教學生」之相關法律課程。 二、落實相關單位對學校學生的積極協助。 三、辦理精緻化的教師研習活動。 四、將人權法治的觀念融入新生始業輔導的課程活動。 五、積極參與學生獎懲實施要點的相關會議或研習活動。 六、建立親師生共同遵守《學生獎懲實施要點》的共識。 關鍵詞:學生獎懲、輔導、管教


學生獎懲 輔導 管教


The Study on the Recent Implementation of Rewards and Punishment on Students by Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City SHIH,Yu-Hsu Abstract This main purpose of this thesis is to explore the Recent Implementation of Rewards and Punishment on Students by Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City and make further suggestions offering reference for related government educational offices as well as administrative staff and teachers in schools. The methodology of this thesis is to gather and analyze data based on surveys on the Junior High School teachers in Taipei City. In the end, the conclusions of this research are as follows: a. Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City feel supported by the necessary administrative procedures while practicing Rewards and Punishment on Students; the majority of the teachers are equipped with the knowledge of how to practice properly; they welcome the implementation of the relevant provisions, announcements, and relief of Rewards and Punishment on Students by the school administration. b. The majority of Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City think positively of the continuing handling of advocacy workshop on the Implementation of Rewards and Punishment on Students. They believe they can get the support they need, such as professional counseling help from colleagues or external psychologists. c. On average, Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City understand obeying the counseling discipline related Act serves as protection of the rightness of their practicing Rewards and Punishment on Students; they also warn students about the Reward and punishment standards and provide rehabilitation of opportunity when dealing with student violations; the majority of teachers notify the students about objection complaint access to protect the interests of students d. Currently, over half of the Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City don’t turn the students to the office of student affairs while practicing Rewards and Punishment on Students; the minority of the teachers hold different opinions towards the Rules of Rewards and Punishment on Students; few teachers consider it as great workload to follow the Rules of Rewards and Punishment on Students. e. The viewpoints of Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City on school administration’s practice of the implementation of Rewards and Punishment on Students vary greatly depending on their sex, obligations, and years of work experience, not on their educational background and service school size. f. The viewpoints of Junior High School Teachers in Taipei City on self-examining the knowledge and practice of the implementation of Rewards and Punishment on Students vary greatly depending on their different backgrounds, among which the factor of different obligations is the most distinguishing. Based on the conclusions of this research, there are the few suggestions to the educational administrations, schools, and to the following up research. Key words:Rewards and Punishment on Students ,Counseling, Discipline


吳宗立、蔡綺芬(2008)。學生人權對教師輔導管教學生之啟示。教育學術彙刊,2 卷1 期,1-26。
