  • 學位論文


A Study on Interpreting Image Communicative Application of Giant Mosaic Public Arts with Panorama

指導教授 : 吳祖銘


由於數位時代的來臨,大眾多以數位相機做為記錄影像的主要工具,使得傳統攝影技術的地位因之動搖。攝影藝術的發展也因為影像過度的充斥,而承受了不少新的挑戰。因此,許多當代藝術家開始回歸攝影的根本,進行傳統底片的拍攝與沖洗,期望在影像創作的過程賦予新的價值。相機種類與形式日趨多樣,一台相機所能紀錄的影像範圍與角度也越來越豐富,其中全景相機能更有效紀錄大範圍角度的影像與完整的環境資訊。 研究者進行傳統底片拍攝和數位拍攝兩種方式展開研究,發現傳統底片拍攝在色彩濃度與階調變化上具有較優越的表現。在研究中將運用全景底片拍攝作為研究實踐之主要方法,為充分利用全景攝影的特色與優勢。本文將以全景攝影做為研究主軸,並選擇大型公共藝術為拍攝對象。期望在創作過程中,能夠完整地呈現全景攝影結合公共藝術拍攝之傳播表現,並且發現其優劣勢及後續發展應用方向,進一步作為後續研究發展之基礎。 陳景容為臺灣馬賽克藝術代表畫家,在藝術上的成就甚高。研究者在參與「大師的足跡-陳景容數位美術館」國科會數位典藏計畫的拍攝執行後,針對陳景容的作品進行深入觀察與研究,發現陳景容馬賽克鑲嵌藝術的技術與故事,且為了完整呈現其馬賽克鑲嵌藝術的特質和發現作品與環境兩者之間的傳播表現,故從陳景容大型公共馬賽克鑲嵌藝術中,選出八幅代表作品作為全景拍攝與傳播表現之研究探討基礎。經過長時間的觀察後,提出作品與分析之外,並歸納整理出以下幾點結論與建議: 一、全景影像能忠實呈現色彩,更能完整記錄影像色彩與環境訊息。 二、全景影像能充分詮釋馬賽克公共藝術的環境氛圍與真實場景的樣貌。 三、馬賽克公共藝術對於環境的建設與美化作用大,對於環境的影響也較其 他種類之公共藝術少。 四、數位化的全景影像突破時空問題,讓觀者在不同時空下也能體驗藝術品 所帶來的感動性。


Along with the coming of digital era, the status of tradition photography is being affected. The art of photography also suffers excessive challenges of images. Therefore, many contemporary artists begin returning back to the root of photography; they process the shooting and developing of traditional films and attempt to endow new values of images during the process of production. This research wants to combine panorama and mosaic painting for unifying photography and public arts. It is going to do panorama with traditional films, then capture digital images out with advanced scanner. Finally the panorama images will be represented as an immersive environment on the Internet. Camera type and form of the increasingly developed, and more diverse range and angle of a camera can record images, including panoramic camera features is to effectively record a wide range of angles, images and complete environmental information. In this study, film and digital shooting are two kinds of experimental research. According to the experimental results, compared with the results of digital shooting, film’s color depth and tone changes have superior performance. And we’ll use the panorama shot as the principal method. Moreover, in order to take full advantage of the features and advantages of panorama, it’s as a spindle, and in this article the large-scale public art will be the image subject, the expectations can complete show panorama combined with public art’s performance, and find their strengths and weaknesses and the subsequent development of applications, as a basis for after research and development. Finally, researcher are participated in "The Footsteps of The Masters - Chen Ching-Jung’s Digital Art Museum," National Science Digital Archives project in recent years, and have the opportunity to conduct in-depth observation and research, and found the best place in Taiwan mosaic for the works of Professor Chen artistic representation of the inventors, so in order to fully present the characteristics of Professor Chen mosaic art works and the environment between the two spread of performance. Therefore elect eight representatives from Professor Chen outdoor large-scale public mosaic art works as the Panorama communication performance to explore the base to get some results and suggestions: 1. Panoramic images may be true color rendering and environmental informations. 2. Panoramic images can fully interpretation of the mosaic public art’s ambience and real scene outlook. 3. Giant mosaic for the construction and beautification of the role of the environment are better, the environmental impact is less than other types 4. Digital panoramic images breakthrough times and spaces, so that the viewer can experience the artwork moved in a different times and spaces.


Panorama Image Applications Mosaic Art Public Art


