  • 學位論文


A Study of Imperialized Normal Education in Taiwan(1895-1945)

指導教授 : 林玉体 林建福


本文以日治時期的臺籍師範生為研究對象,著重在師範教育之皇民化養成。 本文一共分為五章。第一章緒論,介紹本論文以及架構;第二章,試圖解釋殖民政府如何收編公學校中優秀的臺籍精英份子進入師範體系,並對皇民化時期前的教育制度進行概述;第三章進一步探討,受同化教育及後來受皇民化教育的公學校臺籍生,在師範學校如何被進行皇民化意識的強化、如何被收編為日本殖民政策皇民化政策下的工具;第四章要訴說的概念是,師範學校的學生其本身受了同化政策或皇民化政策的意識型態,而畢業後成為老師如何再複製此一意識型態,為殖民政府再製皇民化意識的殖民地人民;第五章則是結論的部分,從本文的探討可以顯示二點的結論,第一是透過師範學校來源的研究可以發現,師範學校具有收編與運用臺籍精英的目的與功能。第二是透過師範學校的教育,以及畢業後成為教師的歷程,可以發現殖民政府對師範生及其所訓練的教師,如何進行皇民化意識的編碼與再製。 從上述兩點結論申論到戰後國民政府接收臺灣之後,國民政府在臺灣進行威權體制的黨化教育,可以發現國民政府不僅全面接收了師範學校的硬體設施,同時在內容上也完全繼承師範體系的功能,也就是師範學校沒有被移為它用,仍是被國民政府做為訓練初等教育師資的機關,這可說是國民政府黨化對皇民化的延續。從此可知,不論是皇民化或黨化,師範體系都有其國家教育的特殊性、重要性、灌輸與洗腦功能,和「政治─教育」的霸權功能。


日治時期 師範教育 皇民化 公學校 教師


This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the methodology and the structure of this thesis. Chapter 2 intends to explain how the normal schools recruited Taiwanese elites from the public elementary schools, and gives a rough description of the educational policies during the pre-Kouminka period. Chapter 3 explores how the ideology of Kouminka was intensified into Taiwanese students in the normal schools, who had undergone "the assimilating-education policy" in the public elementary schools, and enlisted them for the tools of Japan colonial policy. Chapter 4 explores how Taiwanese graduates from the normal schools, who started to work as teachers in the public elementary schools, duplicated the ideology of Kouminka and reproduced Taiwanese colonized with the ideology of Kouminka. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. After WWII, Japan lost the war and Taiwan is taken over by the Republic of China. Thus, this chapter is concerned with the connection between the normal education under the ideology of Kouminka and of Partification of education. Based on the last chapter, on one hand, we can tell that the government of R.O.C. inherited not only the facilities but also the educational (or political) purposes and functions of the normal schools what Japanese colonial government descended. On the other hand, we can see how the government of R.O.C. altered the teaching contents of the Kouminka ideology in the normal schools to the ideology of Partification of education.


Critical pedagogy :An introduction,臺北:心理,2004。(原著出版於1999)
